With our Blazing Full Moon In Sagittarius setting us in a whole new direction. Our Deepest challenge's & tests our very core values. From June 13th & 14th With our Full Moon In The House Of Sagittarius kicking off. Both our Past Present & Future will be reshaped. Do you want to know what the stars are saying about your future?
Learn how to make the most of this Ful Moon In Sagittarius from the 2022 with our insightful and detailed reports. What subjects may play out? How can we best mange mind body soul during its Cycle.
Don't let this Full Moon In Sagittarius 13th & 14th 2022, fool you. This will impact each of us as well as at a collective level. Its beyond the Full Moon where changes will unfold further, be in the loop for your must knows. Don't get caught out or stuck in a loop!
What are the Astrological Influences of the FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS?

The teachings of the Great Race comes to mind & our past meeting our future. Like with beliefs, faith past lessons can become blessing. Our Full Moon In Sagittarius 13th-14th June 2022 brings us full circle. Our last cycle being an eclipse in 2021 within the North Node Gemini South Node Sagittarius axis.
The big lessons of the Year of the Rat can be pulled upon during this time. Being resourceful during times of changes, as well as thinking of the future. Yes our past does not have to haunt us but educated us. This as we all know is a time of evolution of change the big challenge with our Sun in the house of Gamin & Full Moon In the House of Sagittarius will be balance.
With Saturn in Aquarius in retrograde we may have the ability to move that mountain. With Neptune in Pisces gearing up ready to go retrograde by the 28th of June, you may feel scattered.
Our challenges may hit even harder as it forms a T square to Moon & Sun make a T square to Neptune in Pisces. Balance of Mind Body Soul may be key at this time and potentially a necessity.
We may be shifting things about and feeling that pressure point at this time. Where you feel you need to put your back into it or pull the pin & change direction. This can make us feel restless and like a rat in a cage. This also can be an amazing time for emotional breakthroughs with Chiron In Aries.
How will it Affect Your Love Life?

Yes if we feel a connection has reached its life cycle it ay come to a head. This time can be one of big decissions and revelations in love. Marriages direction changes & questions on value systems.
You may want laughs play rebellion and adventure at this time, cabin fever may be an issue also. The battles of the sexes can crop up more over if the balance with life's routine in the mix can set off some fireworks. Yes this can be fun and spontaneity just make sure its something you would be ok waking up to.
Indulgence at this time may be possible with Neptune in Pisces in shadow. Be cautious of extreme's & care for self if you feel run down. Try to be aware ,that we may say more than necessary. Yes some things may not be able to be retracted.
How will it Affect Your Career & Finances?

The way ahead will be very different yet will bring about more stability. The steps we take at this time as we view the past will provide clues. Sagittarius can relate to growth, Jupiter, beliefs, conditioning, health, tourism, transport, long distance flight, logistics,
We may need to be both realistic and objective. Sagittarius is regarding future play progress, Gemini is the here & now. We must find a new balanced way to achieve both with greater harmony. It does very much remind me of the year of the Rat. This we should of learned.
You may look at your money with deeper need for change, this can be a time of changes. I do see this as being in the long term a time of financial changes that can bring success.
One during this time can have concerns, particle approaches can aid in the long term goal.
How will it Affect Your Health & Wellbeing?

Each Star Sign Can be affected in different ways, at a collective level we may want something to believe in. Its a great time to sit with self, more over drinking additional fluid at this time is key. Some may feel burnt out prior & during this will pass but will call a sense of practical approaches to everyday life.
The key signs that may need to keep an eye on wellness at this time are as follows. Cancer during this time it may be important to care for health. You may at this time turn over a new leaf with all the hard work & changes you had put in.
Being stressed these days isn't hard, with Saturn in Aquarius having squares to North Node in Taurus.

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