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I cant understate HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS, enough Divine Feminine. May 2022 not only has grand changes for us all but for you you shall need to bring out all your tools to thrive.

Yes with our Pending mercury retrograde in Gemini those blasts from the past are set to return. Will you have the courage to handle such and what might we expect during this time. I can say its a good time to deal with these areas and that the masculine's energy will be very bold this month.

Yes with our social activities picking up i highly advise you to get onto of tasks. Do such if possible prior to our Pending Total Eclipse In Scorpio & our Mercury retrograde! Our online update & at a deeper level within our report & via our Subscription.

I will provide all the tools you need to survive this months energy and guide you through when that deeded ascension will hit & how to navigate it.

I do see the sacral chakra spiking within the serpent energy be ready for that kundalini activation. Be cautious this month of extremes sports strains pains and inflammation. For those feminine that are female your cycles can be heavy this month.

We will have shadow work and a lot occurring on the 3D at a very fast paced energy this month, Staying grounded could be at times a little more to deal with than usual. For some we may be having changes with our diet routine and wellness. Its important to look after such for the divine feminine within May.

Self esteem confidence image gossip and yes those dreaded Karmic influences shall come out to play. You can want to get things out in the open and yes do expect big reveals this month. Its very very important to be cautious of your actions in the month. Our past and our skeletons in the closet can mess us up.

We see situation's from that months Full Moon In Libra then our Partial Solar Eclipse In Taurus hit the divine feminine. This can be changes in contracts, image values as well as now with our Pending Mercury Retrograde in Gemini being in the spot light.

Remember we don't want to be viewed as a Karmic, nor do we wish to be a pushover. There is a healthy way to do such this does not mean it wont be challenging.

Mid month you may need to be cautious as you may move into extreme's with drinking eating shopping and new trends. Beauty treatments should be delayed until after mercury retrograde.

Many want to shift up their style and bring that sassy back. Look at for new trends and an image overhaul. You will get in for some turning heads this month, lets hope its for all the right reasons.

The one thing I can say is if you remember the old masculine think again. This can take you by surprise, challenges shall come from Karmic relationships. Such wont flow as well for them. This more over for us in the mix can have us also having to look at who we need to let go of to level up.

Make sure you take a look at The Divine Masculine's May 2022 update as well as the Karmic May 2022 update.





Yes I have used the techniques myself, I more over know that the style in which i provide these reports monthly can warn you on when your ascension will spike and how it can come about. I am that convinced that you can benefit from such that i have offered a one off Monthly Trial for our paid subscription at a large discount. This will work best in the duo, thus I have provided such as a bundle for one month.


Twin Flame Subscriptions

Welcome To Our Twin Flame Subscription hub online, lets have a look at what we cover in this Subscription. Monthly Updates x3 Reports Ascension, The Mirror Work, Moon Energy, Chakra Wellness each week. We cover Third Party Energy As Well as Karmic Cycles. The Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine & Karmic Energy.

Vip & Duo Subscriptions

You can purchase the subscription as stand alone, or select VIP /Duo Packs. The VIP & Duo Packs have been offered Our Online Mediation Zen Space within the packages. I will see if they are able to be linked, if not they will be on offer as a stand alone.

Star Sign Subscription

Star Sign Subscriptions Online By Yildiz Readings 5D, love, Singles Couples, Career, Unemployed, Business, Money, Wellness your chakra diet and meditation for the month. Each Month Join us for your online Report, providing you with the tools to gain success from here and beyond.



These updates are for you to use with mindfulness and accountability. I provide no legal or financial advice , for such please seek a professional in that area. I take no direct responsibility for those decisions or outcomes based on your own power and responsibility. These reports & transits to guide you through your path, I provide a full report on the areas and how one during such may be ready.




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