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Welcome to Yildiz Readings 5D Karmic Third Party Edition Monthly, Join us online for your Free and Paid Updates. Lets have a look both from an astrological point of view and a psychic point of view how this area is playing out in the month of April 2022.

We cover Psychic attacks, shadow work, the mirror & ascension online Via our Monthly Editions. Should you wish to Join the Vip Subscriptions The Link Is Below for your reference.

April 2022 can after the last 5 months feeling purgatory and stagnant will shift into high gear.

We kick off the month with our New Moon In Aries on the 1st Of April 2022 with its close proximity to Chiron the wounded healer. This month for A/ the Karmic third Party will be the test of their situation.

This can be for the Individual partnered within the karmic cycle aggressive volatile and ugly. This will bring the situation to a head, more over bring the wounds out to play devils advocate. The thing for those of you who are less experienced at the Twin Flame Journey may need the following 101 on a quick basics.

Karmic third party cycles are one thing in a senses of lessons and cycles, then we have a Karmic individual. This can take the form of a person that does not necessarily need to be a romantic party, FYI.

I must warn you one Twin to another one the next area. Those that come close to their Twin Flame Personal Union ,in preparation for Physical Reunion. You will find the Karmic come out to play, as a spiritual test. This can be a bunch of people they have Karmic patterns with in the past that like a re run of all the old shows.

This cycle atm is a pre-eclampsia for the start of such, this can feel like a facing your shadows. Twin Flame Path is not for the fickle hearted, its not a case of waking up and saying im not one. If your a Twin Flame the further in the path you get, you accept their is only moving forward no backwards.

Its not a choice its a cycle like Mario brothers, the higher you ascend yes we also descend. From my path to you, Im here to tell you its not for nothing. It provides you with less fear less baggage more wholeness. This is necessary so when triggers occur they shall not define you.

Lets have a look at what we need to know this month during the path in the month of April. You will as Twins within this cycle need to maintain personal awareness on your own energy. Ill tell you why! As the decent into the abius the Karmic fall, the Twin involved with these individuals may send 4D messages your way.

In a way you may not understand that your developing a Psychic gift. Its key to controlling ascension. Under developed energy will case EXTREEM psychic attacks. I will be shortly providing education content to aid in your ascension Twin Flame Path.

You will feel the energy this month on level 10, more over take a look at the Divine Feminine Update & The Divine Masculine's for further context. We are looking at breakups, contact, conflict, interferences and our life at a critical point. It will be key to A know where the HOT SPOT ASCENSION DATE are and how to manage them.

This month both for the balance within our ascension as well as within closing a set of cycles is here. We may experience the embodiment of power, disempowerment, anger, victim consciousness.

Psychic attacks will be possible during this time, focusing on your integration while towers fall will be key. Within I provide the tools & transits as well as the Mirror work that will be done during this time.

We can expect endings fresh starts meetings of Twins as well as the karmic cycle shifting. This if not managed correctly can show dangers prematurely if not handled with wisdom. One must be cautious with Neptune tin the mix to see clearly at this time.

Lets see how this month one must navigate the path with life & the karmic cycle. The third party energies potential and where we must not rest on our loreals.



These updates are for you to use with mindfulness and accountability. I provide no legal or financial advice , for such please seek a professional in that area. I take no direct responsibility for those decisions or outcomes based on your own power and responsibility. These reports & transits to guide you through your path, I provide a full report on the areas and how one during such may be ready.



For those of you online that have followed me ,I cover your Twin Flame Path Online

@ Yildiz Readings 5D . I cover your psychic update, karmic third party, divine feminine, divine masculine & Twin Flame Lives every Friday.

We also have a Twin Flame Members Hub Online for x3 Additional sessions & Coaching. I provide extension Readings for all the updates Relating to our Twin Flame Path.

The big question is, who am I and what can I offer you here at Yildiz Readings 5D Online? Im a Twin Flame, Im also a Soul Coach, Psychic Medium & Clairvoyant. I also cover Astrology as I studied such during my Awakening during this process. I have developed & studied the path with many revelations & breakthroughs.

We hear the term 1 Wave 2 Wave 3rd Wave we hear Karmic Cycle, Runner Chaser. We get told break that cycle. We hear you need to Purge... the list goes on!!!! Im here to give you the truth on my end as a Twin on the Path, more over I also have background with patterns with my extensive clientele.

The one thing I can say now and then we need comedy to stay sane on this path, If we don't I think we may all go nuts. lol

I found the Astrology to show Key points in my ascension, communication, karmic cycles & Reunion stages. I more over I now with my personal experience share my tips tools and tricks to make it through this path. I have developed these tools to provide you with in-depth reports solutions yet to come Twin Flame Education Content & Designed Meditation for our Path.

I use my experience to guide you through Your ascension path, to reach inner peace & success On Your Twin Flame Path. I have been on the Path for Over 25 years, I am in union & I regard myself as an evolving soul .Not One who has Made it! This is our path to ascension shared with others, we are not alone. No shame, just a growth experience and friendship.

I have been in union for over 4 Years Now ,Regardless the One thing I have learned is to never presume you are grand. lol Im like any other, i have messed up, made & make mistakes trip deal with challenges. My role here is to help with my experience & more over guide those of you that are in Union.

Where ever you are on the path, we have resources for you both in our Twin Flame Subscription Hub. The Star Sign Subscription with your individual Chakra/Ascension Reports as well as Online at Yildiz Readings 5D.

During the Year I am adding information content on our New Information Hub Online Called Galaxy Pub.

Anything from Meditation, Guided Meditation, Ascension, Twin Flame Mirror, Psychic Attacks You name it we will cover if.



For all your astrology/ascension reports/ chakra balance/ joint connection/ mirror work.

Join the hub that ascends you into personal union with Self & towards your Union with Twin.




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