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Yes its been a while and i have been behind the scenes restructuring. Our astrology has a lot to do with these transitions, i do believe many are experiencing. This can be a time we are casting a critical eye on life, work, home, feelings, structure's.

Please read our update and see further within our changes below and where we are heading online at Yildiz Readings 5D. Changes will occur on all platforms including and not limited to our Website at this stage.

Venus In Leo will shift retrograde on the 23rd of July 2023. Venus can link to work, management, image, value, goods & services, employment, friendships etc... Many will as it moves retrograde be working their areas within their own life and Star Sign.

From wealth, values, likes dislikes balance fairness contracts partnerships. We will be under reconstruction collectively. Here at Yildiz Readings 5D is like no other. Over the last 35 years i had been working with my gift. Over the last 7 years on YouTube, I had also moved through not only developing but learning what ppl wanted.

With our North Node now shifted into the house of Aries & our South Node into the house of Libra. The old is set to shed away. We all change, change can be good, more in alignment of what the collective and the individuals needs in the process.

This change we all are going through can be a fearful one, we may fear the change and feel it may give us less than what we had. We also can live in the past and not wish to trust change. We are always changing just not typically on purpose with self awareness.

The last few months have been testing i feel for the globe, we had our transits with our Eclipses.... Our Schumann Peeked at 150 hertz news matched our astrology.

Subjects at a key level with now be shifting with many areas that had been on the back burner. More over with Pluto shifting into Aquarius we had a breather, it was but at 0Deg only giving a light indication of such.

It then shifted back into Capricorn at the critical degree bring old situation's unresolved or needing to be revisited back up again in question. Its still in its retrograde making our Previous Full Moon in Capricorn our Previous Eclipse in Scorpio all the bigger to deal with.

Like visiting the crux of issues, the very foundation of life, systems, things we had become dependent upon. What we may not quite comprehend is the length of cycle we are closing out. Inertly the very foundations our life and society was built upon is shifting and will never be the same again.

Pluto in Capricorn at the critical deg is more than testing, it will wrap up by 2025 however in theory the last time it will be here in our lifetime and shifting decades of tradition, systems, structures and culture to a whole.

The big questions as Pluto visiting Aquarius was how technology and our future can be on a negative note impacted by this transition. Also the way in which we share personal date online and the security questions and traffic lights that need addressing in a slower more manageable thought orientated fashion may be required.

With both Saturn in Pisces & Neptune in Pisces now both in their retrograde. We have subjects of responsibility relating to our dreams. We have seen with this transits subjects regarding substances, refugees, stress, fatigue, habits, fears regarding endings. This transits also in previous cycles has shown issues around, astrology, tarot, gurus, spirituality.

I was aware of this transits prior to it occurring, many also through this transits will experience what we call in the spiritual community as "The Dark Knight Of The Soul" With Media also in mind and the red tap given was again shown with our Previous Nodal Cycle of North Node in Gemini technology became flooded.

Ppl will need to address their stress levels in fresh true ways, some may find visiting these situation may feel the urge to avoid. This also with sweeping life hurts, anger, frustration or fear under the carpet all crops up at once. Facing our fears being bold and having the courage to deal with eliminate that baggage and conditioning we held true for to long.

I hope this gives you some context of life and how situation's can pan out for us at a collective level. This also with Venus in Leo moving into retrograde can be a time were revisiting how we relate to others. Be cautious of your safety, Venus rx has shown possible missing persons. Old cases may be solved and new ones can crop up.

This also can in relationships show the truth of where the connection is at, for some it may bring brutal honesty and separation's that were long over due. For others they may reconnect and find the growth had occurred enough for both parties to see eye to eye and reconcile.

Cementing in marriages, contracts or partnerships and commitments may need to be delayed from the 20th of July 2023 until Septembers end. This is because were reworking and may not have our full view and healing of such until then.

I do see this as a cusp and we may have subjects around details and detachment involved. Previous transits were linked to Venus in Virgo energy thus us looking at the wellness and how we were or are impacted. How we can show up in a more independent way to support ourself in a non codependent manner.

Our North Node in Aries can show changes in temperature, extreme cold to hot etc..

This also can be a time of changes around borders, aid, water etc.. We also during this time may find things hidden in space and science.

Our Venus Rx can also cover food, trade, values and how we becoming stronger within our budget and food. We could have changes with food due to wind, rain, etc... being again damaged goods or recalls are possible based on astrology transits.


Here at Yildiz Readings 5D I now have x2 Jobs, I have changed my booking hours online. I have am Appointment's available for Pre Recorded Video Bookings atm. I also have evening sessions all in Perth WA time during the week. Refer to our time zone to see what time this will be for your sessions.

We also for those of you that are in Europe have Saturday AM sessions. These will be key for those of you that can only book am sessions and wish to connect. The other manner you can get daily support is by joining our YouTube Membership.

The evening sessions are on offer as a sense of support for my followers. It also due to the hour has had a $5 increase being evening. Bulk sessions for coaching atm has stayed for this last sessions at the old price but will reflect an increase for the next sessions.

Webinars that are on offer are still up I may change the time etc... I will keep you in the loop of such as we move through Venus Retrograde. I have done my best for find ways to balance. Our YouTube Membership may also go through an upgrade. Our Twin Flame Hub will remain however with my desire to provide info videos, education etc... things will shift for time management purposes.

Our hours of work also can open up soon, this again will be evening sessions only no am unless booking via our weekend schedule or by request. Due to the limitation of hours opened I will fill up fast. This can be key to book ahead with the limitation of slots available online.

This is also to add revenue back into the business and take it in its new found direction. Im sure during this self discovery we are all going through new ideas likes and dislikes may crop up.

As im writing this update its with Venus in Pre shadow but not Retrograde. Protentional proving a non surprise energy in transparency. New content may become available in the coming transition online.

I will also keep everyone in the loop of these ideas, changes etc... Keep an eye on the website for all the up and coming changes and my blogs for added support.

I have updated tools online for new clients with our Info Page online. This has been an ongoing 7 year process. I now have a page and am upgrading into within each booking session.

Be aware all bookings receive a confirmation with details, one 24 hours prior and an SMS to update you of booking. Our info emails provide all links and instructions, so please make sure were not in your spam folder.




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