Welcome to your Monthly Update for your Zodiac Sign, for a more Indepth personal booking we have Bookings online via our Booking Page. Let's get into your update now!
This month all planets move direct, this is an opportunity to move our directions ahead. We may have some rumbles from Uranus in Taurus. Mercury Remains in Capricorn SD exiting Capricorn on the 11th of Feb 2023.
Many may have issues with trusting their instincts, this will be something we must develop. Mars direct in Gemini may have us being flighty we must keep things simple in our direction. Or we may become side tracked with options.
We also may revolt against one given choice. Be realistic Feb 2023 is a month to gain our bearings, regain stability within our own Personal Foundations in readiness.
Taurus February 2023 you may have found you let go of those purse strings and everything went hay wires. Some you also from an emotional point of view felt like you went through the wringer. This can be a time where your personal beliefs are being challenged and it can be time to see where they had been holding you back.
Ideas you have may feel pixilated, get simple with these ideas to structure them effectively. You may have many ideas, pick one. Test it and build it out!
You may move this month or have a change around a connection to a sibling. Be cautious of ego, not all may be as it seems. Give it a few days if your hitting a wall. You also have a new chapter around mother, siblings, children & daily routine.
*Disclaimer-Please be advised this is not medical advice, financial, psychological or profession nor legal.. These are commonly knowing areas associated to our transits & how they may impact individuals during transits. This is not to be used for any other purpose, seek a professional of that area. I take no responsibility for your personal choices.
Please find below your Star Signs & how this will affect your Zodiac Sign. Yes if you wish for a more accurate reading based on your individual Birth Chart, feel free to book online now! For cross referencing between you & another's chart our bookings online will also assist.
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Taurus February 2023 you may in the area of love felt hot & cold. Disputes & missunderstandings may have occured. Some may move home childrean could move in or move out depending on age. Some may move into a family home with relitives.
In the area of friendships you may have a great time mid-month. You also may connect with a guru for emotional support. You also for singles may meet a honey at a gym club or social setting. This also could be via your career zone for some.
Big changes in love are set for you, although some heat can be brewing under the surface. Speak up if you had been on the fence. You also may have felt it was time to discuss and be open to your deepest thoughts that plagued you.
Taurus February 2023 Many may take a 180 turn in career & your purpose in life. You will have rumbles of change in this area. Staying stuck won't work as Saturn & Pluto shift signs this year. Use your intuition, outdated ways of looking at this area are here to transform.
Your more than what you thought you were meant to be. This by no means will be small. Look to mercury for some PDF on this factor. Income and wealth negation's may be iffy at this time. Look at your options & refer to the below wealth sector for more details.
Managment positions and your dream job positions are possible. Take the steps and be open to possibilities.
Taurus February 2023 wealth may have been a key area you were slogging your guts out for over the last few months. This also could be a feeling that you had different options. Being direct with your budget & choices your moving into may be key.
I do see for some you may transition career, if not now i see transformations this year & beyond. Look at this as positive and try to not avoid change. Some may take on superior roles. You also may be an advocate for a team.
Partnership's also may have been going through wealth changes & stresses. Read all fine print, although many of us jump we should step back prior to doing such in any event. Aways seek a professional for such if you feel stuck!