Jupiter re-enters Pisces on the 27th October 2022
Jupiter goes direct Nov 23rd 2022 in the house of Pisces at 28 Deg
Jupiter will leave its retrograde shadow on Feb 14th 2023 at 8 Deg of Aries
Jupiter is a very fast moving energy, we may wish to walk not leap at this point until we get our bearings. Yes Now with its shadow direct energy many in the area of life will be shifting in new directs with new found information and courage.
At this time more over due to Venus in the house of Sagittarius from the 16th of November 2022 will bring about subjects relating to growth courage, wealth, contracts & partnerships. You will more be attracted to adventurous types, you also may be open to viewing life in a more optimistic manner.
Partnerships that lack luster or Zen will be in tension mode with a need for change. Ppl that find them self-thinking but haven't as yet addressed those areas of stagnation may become more aware of such during this time.
Mercury will be in the house of Scorpio on the 16th making a trine to Jupiter in Pisces during its RX. Details and the hidden will be Showen, self-awareness & reflection will be key. Keep your cards close to your chest will assessing such. If you had revelations or situation's you needed to get to the bottom of. This will aid this movement pay close attention at this time.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 17th of November pushing one to take action. This will give keen details and reelections onto direction. Some may feel urgent needs to address routines and get prepared. For some this can be motivational or it also could be pressure to get ahead.
On the 20th of November 2022, Our Sun in Scorpio will make a trine to Jupiter in Pisces Rx. This will give you the get up & go you need to motivate you into action. This also so close to Jupiter direct could have many shifting direction radically.
Our New Moon in the house of Sagittarius on the 23rd November 2022 Jupiter in Pisces is STATION DIRECT.....This may be a time where we over shoot the mark and view things as bigger better than is. Yes in life its key to make choices, I would suggest with schedules, responsibilities you adhere to such atm and make time for play.
Being a fly on the wall may be key for 48hrs to see this all through, thanks giving will be an interesting on that is for sure. Lay low and let it flow! Listen to your intuition, sit with the feelings & information and then take action on such areas.
We may in the collective see superstars pass, we also may have new stars rise. Religion, media, cultural beliefs also will crop up. Individuals will have a chance yet again to review connections and sibling relationships. Can both parties have different views and love be such...yes! However your true need and core can be the need for change.
Relationships are a 2 sided contract. No I in team, be it a romantic, tribe, sibling connection or workplace. It will be key to be working together, or we may see parting of ways and liberation. Many in life at this point with Jupiter in Pisces direct, will bring about large subjects in the house of Jupiter. This can be lady luck but also must be navigated with caution at this time.
The Direct motion of Jupiter in the house of Pisces can see significant shifts for the following signs. All will feel a sense of need to address the below areas of life. For a more direct area relating to your own individual chart. You will need to book a session online or refer to the house system it relates to.
Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn.
Mutable Signs: Gemini Virgo Sagittarius + Pisces will have positive shifts at this time read more below!
Fixed Signs: Taurus Leo & Aquarius will be ready to shift radical things in life. If avoidance was there it may be time now to make those plans and act....
because their lives will become emotionally
and abundant.
As Jupiter moves direct make sure to read our update introduction to our transits above. This will give you a better understanding as you read your signs online below! During this time understand things & energy will be very bold and make us wish to act suddenly.
Things that were under our nose or meditated about will come up for review. Dressing for success will be the name of the game. You may need to pause for a day or 2 to address bold choices and decisions. Mars in the house of Gemini in its retrograde is also calling for courage, quick wit and logic where it comes to your energy & resources.
Jupiter re-enters Pisces on the 27th October 2022
Jupiter goes direct Nov 23rd 2022 in the house of Pisces at 28 Deg
Jupiter will leave its retrograde shadow on Feb 14th 2023 at 8 Deg of Aries
The area of expansion spirituality & courage will be the theme and the areas it hits in your charts until Jupiter shifts signs again. Jupiter in the house of Aries will be quick jolting and may take us a bit to adjust to. We did have Jupiter did visit while in retrograde also in the house of Aries, however not long enough to give its full boom!
You have until Feb 2023 to work out the Pisces & Sagittarius axis at this time. I'll make mention of your house systems below as per zodiac.
Should you wish a private personal birth chart reading, we have astrology chart bookings online now! Upload it or email it after purchasing your booking & we can address your areas it will hit. Yes your Zodiacs will hit still but at a deeper level Birth chart readings will assist and give deeper insight to be ready for our transits to gain full success.
*Disclaimer-Please be advised this is not medical advice, these are commonly knowing areas associated to our transits & how they may impact individuals during transits. This is not to be used for any other purpose, if you have aliments that require medical attention seek such from a professional.
During this time we may be more attracted to fitness and health kicks. With Mars Retrograde in Gemini we may need to be cautious of injuries. Speeding strains sprains and getting stressed out is possible.
Fights over beliefs & religion, as well as subjects relating to your responsibilities may feel like your ready to throw a sicky and run for the hills. Don't miss the ferry this is the time to prepare for your future & finding harmony in life and plans ahead.
The food you may be attracted to can be spicy foods, traditional foods and such of other cultures. Ppl may choose to hit the gym and also could be rebellious and want to play.
Some may also during this time quit habits. Jupiter in Pisces can have ppl drinking more and using pacifiers to deal with avoidance. Jupiter however will also ask for change & many may feel that need.
This can be a great time to drink extra fluid, meditate. Your crown charka will be active also. Avoid pacifiers, good luck come Thanks Giving lol just food for thought .......
Some loose lips sink ships could occur. This also can be a great time to be in the now, connect & be. Look around at the things you have, find gratitude for the blessing of life. The big decisions & changes will come prior to New Year's 2023
Please find below your Star Signs & how Jupiter in Pisces direct will affect you. For cross referencing between you & another's chart our bookings online can support.
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