Welcome to your weekly update of your Twin Flame Path. Join us online for your Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine & Karmic Third Party Series. We offer your map to your path & how to best balance the Yin Yang & shadow work involved!
We, who have been on an awakened path, know all to well of the challenges. Here we have you covered with key information for your journey! How to ascend reach your personal best and work be ready for union portals involved in the mix.
Join our update for The Divine Feminine July weekly update on-line series of Twin Flame updates online Free & Paid Subscriptions online at Yildiz Readings 5d. Receive your updates for ascension, mirror work & how our Psychic energy & astrology can hit you!
Your invited to join our Twin Flame Community & discover what's in store for your path via monthly updates online. You will receive content to support your ascension, reunion and soul union path. I provide keys to where these blocks will land at a collective and directly link to your cycles.

Welcome back Divine feminine, Yes we are a little bit late, but you will get two volumes. We have one away can change the fact I moved. We are slightly light for this edition. Regardless, this is a very important addition and due to our previous full moon in Aquarius, this information will continue through the month and will be deeply valuable for you via your twin flame path.
Many can feel like the world is turning upside down, This, also in the mix of your spiritual connexion, can be a little bit testing. Many can have a lot of shadow coming up, and it might be key to understand in a deeper context why this is happening.
Post full moon, many can have movement in their twin flying path, challenges and circumstances surrounding the karmic cycle also in the mix can be cycling out. How to best navigate your twin flame path during this time may be key.
Although our LIONS GATE PORTAL has passed, this portal is an opportunity to create a fresh new chapter. It can be very comic if we are training into negative thoughts. One does not want to manifest an you 13 year cycle of negativity. Clear your crown chakra and your third eye during this time.
Don't miss out on your karmic noise for your twin flame path here online. Get your detailed transit guide for your twin Flame path now. Don't miss out on your key details of how to navigate this path. This portal will last for the whole month of August 2023. But it will affect the next 13 years of your life. Make it count!!!!!!!
Yes I have used the techniques myself, I more over know that the style in which i provide these reports monthly can warn you on when your ascension will spike and how it can come about. I am that convinced that you can benefit from such that i have offered a one off Monthly Trial for our paid subscription at a large discount. This will work best in the duo, thus I have provided such as a bundle for one month.
Twin Flame Subscriptions
Welcome To Our Twin Flame Subscription hub online, lets have a look at what we cover in this Subscription. Monthly Updates x3 Reports Ascension, The Mirror Work, Moon Energy, Chakra Wellness each week. We cover Third Party Energy As Well as Karmic Cycles. The Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine & Karmic Energy.
Vip & Duo Subscriptions
You can purchase the subscription as stand alone, or select VIP /Duo Packs. The VIP & Duo Packs have been offered Our Online Mediation Zen Space within the packages. I will see if they are able to be linked, if not they will be on offer as a stand alone.
Star Sign Subscription
Star Sign Subscriptions Online By Yildiz Readings 5D, love, Singles Couples, Career, Unemployed, Business, Money, Wellness your chakra diet and meditation for the month. Each Month Join us for your online Report, providing you with the tools to gain success from here and beyond.
These updates are for you to use with mindfulness and accountability. I provide no legal or financial advice , for such please seek a professional in that area. I take no direct responsibility for those decisions or outcomes based on your own power and responsibility. These reports & transits to guide you through your path, I provide a full report on the areas and how one during such may be ready.

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