Have edited Free Members Hub & VIP Members Hub is open to all subscribers.
Members Login

Now all you need to do is join YILDIZ READINGS 5D by subscribing. Locate it in menu bar. After you may enter all our additional zones.
Changes Made Online
Our Free Members Hub landing Page has had face lift. It also is open to all subscribers now without selecting freebie subscriptions now!!!
New content soon
VIP Members Hub
Our VIP Paid Members Hub landing page can be viewed if your subscribed. Visit the page to view. You may only do such if your logged in.
You also will not be able to enter if you don't hold a paid membership. It's a sneak peak.....Yes VIPs have a very different Hub.
Landing Page Tabs
I have around our website added tabs. This is for ease of access Zaround pages online
On our landing page I have added tabs to quickly navigate to most popular pages.
I have today added to our landing page tabs Free Members & VIP Members.
As long as you are signed in you may navigate our website via tabs. Take a look around now,it's free!
VIP Members
I did have up discounts for paid members. It wasn't functioning as thought.I will attempt to address it on my end with wix.
Hopefully to provide discounts for tel bookings & Skype. Atm it's off tge books until fixed.

VIP Star Sign Subscriptions
June we added Twin Flame By Star Signin our Star Sign Subscriptions. I'm in July 2022 adding video to it also.
Trial VIP Subscriptions
Yes we do offer a trial one off one month test run. You can locate it under paid Subscriptions Page. One off payment & enjoy the Vip