Don't miss out on our Event Online, stay in the loop with our up & coming transits, events, webinars with Yildiz Readings 5D. Novembers 2023 has its own twists & turns, be ready for success in 2023 and don't get stuck in a loop.
The Year of the Water Rabbit will be covered giving tips, tricks & support for this transit. Be aware of how it will impact your Zodiac sign & how it will impact you!
What we will cover will be collective, global energy, what the Year of the Water Rabbit can symbolize. Tarot, Astrology Your Zodiacs, Tips and key points. Crystals to support you via The Year Of The Water Rabbit 2023 by Zodiac....
As we move into 2023 ,we are moving into a new energy all together. Online were here to provide that clarity.. Our event Calander keeps you in the loop I will also after these events pass have these open to the public.
Perks for pre released events are support, information ahead of these dates. Our New Year's Resolutions kick off with Mercury Retrograde, this event there for will well and Truley prepare you prior to such popping off.
Be ready for your 2023 Year by joining us for this update, you can select event of purchase a Vip Membership that provides free webinars, discounts and astrology updates free.
Stay tuned for our Public Update that will be out in 2023, get your guidance online for your highlights. Subscribe to our Website for all your free or premium updates online now!