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Welcome to your Monthly Update for your Zodiac Sign, for a more In-depth personal booking we have Bookings online via our Booking Page. Let's get into your update now!

For Your Zodiac Sign Monthly read more below under our Transit Must Know edition


May 2023 holds big shifts & changes for all of us, as well as at an individual level. We will dive deep into your zodiac sign to prepare you for the key areas that will come about. To read for update go to the link below for more content.

We hold additional tips within our free update for your Zodiac Sign Monthly Online.


Scorpio May 2023 brings bolds shifts and changes to your world. As soon as we enter the gate of May 2023, Pluto in Aquarius shifts retrograde. It links to your 4th house, home family children, mother. It also can be a time of review in these areas. What's working, what's hidden, what's not, for that big change. Inner child, home, family &

Our Our Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on the 5th at 15deg, being a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

Eclipses come in sets, we are entering into a wrap up cycle with our North Node shifting signs soon. You in your world, how your seen, feelings status and image are set to shift. Remember as within as without. Its not all surface value, dig deep.

This Eclipse will be an important part of such, what ever moves out now may be necessary. Its next phase can then bring the desired results over the next -12 months.

Mercury in Taurus Still in its Retrograde until 15th May 2023. Navigating those areas can be frustrating.

Jupiter shifts out of Aries & into the house of Taurus for its Next Cycle. For you this will be a time of attention and expansion.

So how will this shift your Sun Moon Rising & Venus & your Love, Career Wealth & Wellness. Read our Must know transits, or dive into your Zodiac sign online with Yildiz Readings 5D below!

transit must knows!

Welcome to your May 2023 update online with Astrology by Yildiz Readings 5D. May 2023 brings big shifts & changes.

With our Sun in the house of Taurus from April 20th 2023 until May 20th 2023. Our Sun enters the house of Gemini on the 21st May 2023

Our Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on the 5th at 15deg . This being a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in the house of Scorpio. This will not only impact your zodiac sign but the world collectively.

We may have felt the enrgy back in April 2023 and this will be like a wrap up around our North & South Node. This will affect your next 6 -12 months in a transition, Linking to Pluto waters can run deep.

Our New Moon in Taurus occurs on the 28th of May 2023 at 28Deg. Although this is not an eclipse for some it may feel like such. It is a New Moon in our Nodal Cycle that its up & coming Eclipse will be on October 28th 2023. Keep an eye on the New Situation's your brining into your life.

Mercury in the house of Taurus had been in Retrograde from April 21st 2023. It will move shadow direct on the 15th of May 2023. Our New Moon on the 28th can bring movement with some ironing out of the creases.

Until we move out of its shadow phase, be cautious around choices in this department. Some info may be missing, delayed or not quite ripe.

Venus Entered the house of Gemini on the 11th of April 2023. Big conversations, social activities, needing to work both as a team but without chains. We also may have been thinning creatively during this time and needing to deal with multiple areas of life.

Venus enters the house of Cancer on the 7th of May 2023. You may feel more understanding or protective of your self. Home, family, wealth and life expenses may be on the addenda.

Mars had been sitting in the house of Gemini from August 2022 last year. It then entered into the house of Cancer on the 25th of March 2023 .

Mars enters Leo on the 20th of May 2023, this will be powerful for all. Our direction, thoughts actions will be bold. You will feel you have both clarity and direction to pour your energy into.

Jupiter in the house of Aries is about to exit stage, our Eclipse gave us a portion of that Pdf last month. Jupiter enters Taurus on 16th of May 2023.

Pluto in Aquarius shifts retrograde from May 1st 2023 at 0 Deg. It will turn direct from October 10th 2023 at 27 Deg Capricorn. Yes during its transition one could feel quite confused. During its retrograde this can be a positive time where transformation in the house of Aquarius can be both reviewed and transformed.

Pluto transiting back into Capricorn 2023, you can read our Pluto Retrograde update online for a deeper reference.

Jupiter exits Aries and enters Taurus on the 16th of May 2023.

Saturn having Enters Pisces March 7th 2023 changes around the collective will occur at a spiritual level. This also will help us with Neptune in Pisces to aid in our dream making possible. We may become disillusioned frustrated.... ease yourself into the energy. It may feel like an abrupt introduction.

Our North Node in the house of Taurus & our South Node in the house of Scorpio. Our pending Nodal shift is on its way. Come July 17th our North Node shifts into the house of Aries & our South Node shifts into the house of Libra.

Venus in the house of Leo on 20th of July will move into her retrograde cycle. Yes July 2023 will be interesting indeed.



Join us for our online webinar or as its hosted online via our Astrology updates during the month. Lets dive in and see what's up with your zodiac sign.



*Disclaimer-Please be advised this is not medical advice, financial, psychological or profession nor legal.. These are commonly knowing areas associated to our transits & how they may impact individuals during transits. This is not to be used for any other purpose, seek a professional of that area. I take no responsibility for your personal choices.


Please find below your Star Signs & how this will affect your Zodiac Sign. Yes if you wish for a more accurate reading based on your individual Birth Chart, feel free to book online now! For cross referencing between you & another's chart our bookings online will also assist.

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