March 2023 kicks off x2 of our Big Boy Planets and their Ingress into New signs. Here we will unpack all you need to know about Saturn, our transit dates & houses as well as the Archetypes & history.
We will also unpack how this transits will impact each zodiac sign. Should you wish to have your Birth Chart read, you can make a personal booking with us online.
At a collective level a general energy can be interpenetrated via your zodiac sign. Our birth charts give a more personal depiction of such. For your Birth Chart Calculator, you can use Astro-Seek Birth Chart Link below!
Saturn enters the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023, it will remain in the house of Pisces until 2026. Saturn will join Neptune in the house of Pisces, our dreams can become a reality.
We also may have situation's where we find issues and new found realities that were hindering that becoming a reality. The subject of Pacifiers, mind health and time management will all be seen during its time in the house of Pisces.
Our Full Moon in Virgo occurs on the 7th of March 2023, this will aid in the detail. Try to give it a few days grace, we may seek perfection, project or see where our true wellness is at. Our commitment to the process may be tested.
Saturn's orbit time 101
Saturn's transit through the zodiac takes between 28-30 years. It stays in each zodiac sign for approximately 2 years & retrogrades twice during such time. Its Retrograde cycle lasts for approximately 4 & a half months.
Jan 2023 in Aquarius at 22-Deg remains in the house for 167 Days in Direct Motion.
Saturn In Pisces Retrograde June 17th at 7-Deg Pisces for 140 Days
Saturn Direct Nov 4th 2023 at 0-Deg Pisces 58 Days
Saturn is known as responsibility & discipline via astrology, hard lessons and hard work that comes with it. Saturn has ruling over discipline, religion, duty. Positive when hard aspects e.g. squares or oppositions. It can be weak with conjunctions or sextiles occur with other planets.
Saturn symbolizes our challenges of life our new experiences that make us evolve grow into a wiser version of ourselves. Known as a taskmaster.
Saturn to a degree restricts or shows how & where we may gain momentum & success. It gives clues into where the pressure points may be and our sense of responsibility. Governs laws & responsibilities cause and effect....
Its deemed as an enemy to the Sun & Moon as they relating to life & light. Saturn on the other hand relates more so to life death cycles and the more grueling attributes of life.
RULER Capricorn
FALL Aries
Although the key words that can be associated with Saturn are as below, the house it also visits takes on an added attitude. Keep that in mind during this time & with it transiting your own personal placements within your birth chart.
Maturity stability
wisdom discipline
responsibilities commitment
rules structure
Limitations restrictions
Karma Responsibilities
Wisdom denial
Borders time
Life & Death darkness
One benefit of Saturn transiting into the house of Pisces will be Neptune's link. Where we hold dreams, we may make such a tangible reality with dedication & structure. Saturn restricts things....In making such smaller it's a tad bit like niche Marketing. Keep it simple, get in a routine & in time that mountain will be achieved.
Saturn will enter the house of Pisces on March 7th 2023, We may feel a sense of isolation, mental entanglement during its initial stage in the house of Pisces. Remember the above info within our update on how to best view Saturn and deal with it.
It may be key to have connections, to also hold true to our dreams. To look beyond the here and now and know the sun will shine another day.
We may feel less tolerant with others values, at times feeling our own values are not being understood. Previous to this, Saturn in Pisces had subjects regarding spirituality, faith religion & the church.
Anxiety, potential feeling down is possible. Self-isolation due to being bogged down. Take time to find the small beauties in life and be present. Breath, be connected to the world & others.
Understanding you are getting somewhere, lessons will come routines structures... The inner world is as important as the outer. Make time for self, even if you feel your pushing a wheelbarrow up a mountain. The old saying goes " Rome wasn't built in a day"
Don't go down the rabbit hole of shadow, be in awareness of your limits. Rest, drink fluid, breath. We may sway from spirituality, faith and become clouded with a lack of faith in intuition.
This can be a time where shadow crops up, in diving into such we may seek life's deeper meaning. Trauma, sadness, grief, personal and collectively we may deal with this in unique individual ways
Seeking support and not being too proud to say "Help or reaching a point in readiness to release and find inner light and peace and a new sense of purpose.
Saturn pulls our heads in Pisces aids in the dream. This push pull dynamic can bring a sense of conflict. Your intuition will be high during this time. Due to the fact that focuses is the last zodiac of the wheel. We may be navigating endings linking to the collective 12 house.
Many may feel the last few decades its now reaching its peek point at the 12th house. All those skeleton's in the closet need to be delt with. Some may move into counseling, meditation others may resist such due to some past experiences.
For each of us Saturn will hit our zodiac in different ways, I will cover this online later. It's not all doom & gloom.... Great opportunities are ahead, finding peace, our true new path ahead individually & collectively. Methods in dealing with such may feel like a maze. For it's through the darkness we once lived that we find new light, new purpose our new north
By the time we reach the house of Pisces, we have moved through all the houses on the wheel. Being the 12th house, were learning and bringing it full circle.
Our 12 house in astrology has links to mental asylums, prisons, gurus, dreams, mysticism, occult wisdom. Its where we escape, ponder, dwell and evolve. As they say, through the darkness comes light.
The Star Card in Tarot depicts an individual looking up in the darkness to realize their dreams. The metaphor of wishing upon a star, they in fact find belief 12th house and faith through the darkness to realize their dreams.
Music, culture, themes and energy can be viewed via our Previous dates with Saturn in Pisces. The first artist that came to Mind was River Phoenix, yes in fact he passed during a Saturn in Pisces transit on 31st October 1993.
The next was Cyprus Hill and sure enough their Album Black Sunday was released on July 20th 1993.
Disclaimer: All rights for this video belong to the artist.
I do see our mind wellness to be on of the theme's that can play out. We will need to be mindful at a collective level that this is very possible. In our spiritual community our transit moving through the 12th house can be challenging.
It can be a time of deep revelations, disillusionment and diving deep into our subconscious minds. Shadow work or our past, fears and the us of pacifiers is possible...however from my clientele i have noticed this no long will work. Facing our shadow self on with 12th house energy is about the only way.
This can be a time where we also feel the weight of situation's in life. Facing such, looking out how our demon's also can hold us back from living our full potential. Pisces energy within an awakening can be like having the courage to face things finally. With that comes great freedom and an ability to view your life with a new lease of life.
Our transits more over will take a new flavor on with our up & coming North Node shifts. Stay tuned for the update on our up & coming transit's and how they will directly impact your zodiac sign.
We will also see beliefs shift at this time, we may need to be cautious not to project onto others. We also had situation's in the media with religion via our transits in the house of Pisces. These were both good and bad times, we all will need purpose and faith. These can be testing times.
Changes also with rules around pacifiers, will be seen in my opinion. Mental health, mind wellness, ways we deal with refugees, health of the air, water, food we eat...
Saturn also restricts, this could be limits on products we can use buy or have. It wont all be for one reason, some could be environment, ppls greed, wealth or recalls on products as a possibility.
In some ways Saturn in Pisces had already been playing our in Early Feb 2022.
Its not all doom and gloom we also can with Neptune in Pisces make those dreams come true.
Saturn as mentioned moved into the house of Aquarius March 21st 2020, Saturn then moved retrograde int he house of Capricorn July 1st 2020. Saturn entered Aquarius December 17th 2020. It will remain in the house of Aquarius until March 7th 2023, where it then makes its ingress into the house of Pisces.
Saturn transits make things feel like were bogged down that were getting nowhere soon. Its object as such. To become resourceful with our time and to cut out waste & excess or extreme's in life. Both relating to time, responsibility, systems, It restricts or contracts.
It provides an opportunity to become stronger & structured around our responsibilities.
We then place energy into areas that are working for us in the real work. Our attention will move towards strengthening our structures & life.
Saturn dose not flatten us, it enables that process to be developed through a methodical manner. It pushes us to be present and prevents us from taking unnecessary risks.
In the house of Aquarius we were to see how our decisions affected the wider group. We also learn by caring for ourself we benefit the group.
Saturn was last in Pisces between 1993 and 1996. Lets look at areas that occurred during this time to gain some context. The surrounding planets have a different signature, regardless key areas individuals and themes can yet again occur.
Saturn was in the house of Pisces from May-1993 to 1996, our most recent transit in the house was March 1964 to 1967.
Links take you to each article online for reference to the writer & article.
Ronald Lee Wolfe- Last man executed in United States for rape
Sidney Poitier- won academy award for best actor (Lillies of the field)
1964 January 11th 1964-United States Surgeon General's Report on Smoking & health Published.
First meeting between leaders of Roman Catholic & orthodox church. (Pope Paul VI & Patriarch
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To calculate your Birth Chart, Visit our Astro-Seek link below for their website to plug in your details online. This will aid you with transits & where our update land for you!
Alternatively you may book a reading with us online for more support online at Yildiz Readings 5D.
*Disclaimer-Please be advised this is not medical advice, these are commonly knowing areas associated to our transits & how they may impact individuals during transits. This is not to be used for any other purpose, if you have aliments that require medical attention seek such from a professional.
Please find below your Star Signs & how this will affect your Zodiac Sign. Yes if you wish for a more accurate reading based on your individual Birth Chart, feel free to book online now! For cross referencing between you & another's chart our bookings online will also assist.
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MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 12th house placement. The placement of Saturn in your 12th house can be a time where fears, guilt and precure built.
It can be where we psychoanalyze our choices beliefs. Form healthy boundaries' and the word no. Reach out for help when needed, attempt also not to enable others as built and personal pressure will
You may put pressure on self due to false beliefs that induvial expectation's had projected towards you. It is also a time where the use of pacifiers to deal with trauma, stress and tension can crop up.
Those of you that had or are doing such, this could be a time where it This can be a time where quitting habits will be supported by the position of Saturn in Pisces.
From an emotional point of view, this can be a great time to dig deep and take steps on your dreams. Trust the process even if you cant see the footings. Digging deep with seeking a professional if you felt you had trauma that now shows signs of causing issues within your day to day life. This is a great time to seek a professional for those breakthroughs.
This can be a bold time of change, its not all doom and gloom, watch for the ingress & retrogrades & directs. Stay tuned for our updates online for all your up to date transits.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 8th house. The 8th house links to tax, debt sex, , healthy give and take at a basic level.....
For you during this time you may review your wealth and the areas of life that you can depend on. This also may be around your connections and with those that do not put effort in. You may start to create healthy boundaries with individuals who expect more than they give.
Those around partnerships & contracts may have changes via duties, schedules, resources. Reviewing these areas or committing to such should you feel a sacrifice in the long run will reward. Income also around relationships will change you also could have an inhetarences as a possibility.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
This also is a time with other transits in the mix that your Dreams can come true. As we look to our transits & the position of Neptune in the house of Pisces. Although Saturn will remain in the house of Pisces until 2025. Other aspects, planets are also at play, its not all doom and gloom.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 4th house. Home family day to day routine at a base level. I do feel Saturn will work in 2 ways, one around the area and house, the other within us as individuals.
Those starting home based businesses will find routine like ways to structure their day to day activities. Some also may need to take on a solid schedule, this also can be a time where changes around the environment may be necessary.
What could go down from March into 2025? You may move, tension and limitations may be so. Caring for an individual one income family, additional roles around home and family. Those saving for a home may feel a pinch, this may be for a bigger picture due to a sacrifice to save etc...
You will need to create healthy boundaries with others around you, you also may be accommodating a situation that feels like a hinderance. Other situation's around stress and pressures can crop up. It could be a time where
We may be more prone with our stress to use pacifiers, be aware of such. Find alternatives in dealing with stress. Attempt to deal with thing's where possible head on. Be organized and listen to your body for signs of fatigue. This can aid you during Saturn's transit int he house of Pisces.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
Changes around home and family and unfinished business may crop up. You also may have a situation around a vehicle. Read all fine print during this time.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 9th house. During its transit in your 9th house, you may study, travel, work online or long distance. You also may deal with beliefs that are firm. Be open minded & take into consideration others and their beliefs.
Some Cancerian natives may need to be cautious of getting into disputes. Fighting over situation's e.g.. With siblings, contracts, inhetarences, alimony, etc...
If you are working on the road, cross the t and dot the i's. Be cautious make sure all your policies are up to date & your license is always valid. Those working online make sure to follow good prentice in covering your self during this time. Be open minded when dealing with individuals.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 5th house. You may be more firm with family and children during this time. Love also and those you deal with at a social level, may show hints of control or limitations. This can be due to life's responsibilities' or schedule.
You could be more serious and may need to inside your self step outside of the box. The tried & true may feel more stable to you. Be open to creating healthy boundaries with individuals and attempt to adhere to life's needs on a day to day. Make time for self expression and don't feel in a jam. Ask for help or express your limit!
Try to not take things personal around what others think. Do your best & know in your heart of hearts your enough. This is a time where creativity, parenting, romance and social activities are active. However you may stick to the tried and true.
For some you may be making a sacrifice for a dream, this may be so you can in the long run live a lux life. These days were in in the market to find our own version of such. This could be a time for you of working hard towards a dream. You may find due to such you have limited time for social.
Balancing all may feel overwhelming. The key may be staying organized, having a diary or set task to get things done. This could then enable you with your own personal time to have a life.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 1st house. This could be a deeply self reveling time, where you find within you and your life you have power. Where had you been giving your power away? Where had you slipped and felt that life was out of your hands? Where where you living for others and forgetting your self?
You could have more on your plate during Saturn's transit through Pisces. Your reputation, image, role and attitude will all shift. This for some both at an emotional and psychological level be testing. Listing to your thoughts feelings during this time.
Be it changing your image, feeling sexy and strong again, Saturn is here to help. Sticking up for your dreams and having personal time for self. Yes you be it in a group, family, marriage or friendship are separate to others. Be you, the old you will slip away to show the true new you!
You also may find connections goals or rolls that you were doing out of duty may also come under this microscope. Be honest to the areas or you may find you respond emotionally via avoidance.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 6th house. Already reviewing this energy from Feb 2023, I saw a few teams. One where we as individuals need to set strong boundaries, the other where we need to be organized due to social and work commitments.
We already had our transits in the house of Pisces, so here we will be more organized. It will be a great time during the Full Moon In Virgo to look closely at our schedule. How can such be tweaked, how can you use your tie more effectively?
For some this can also be a time of reviewing and changing diet and exercise plans. Saturn in Pisces can support this situation. We also may find with surrounding transits we will be more active.
You will need to pay attention to where people take your valuable time. You also may review what your doing for fun or RNR. Looking after mind wellness will be key, don't over burden your self. You may suffer burn out if such occurs.
Pay attention to your body, its your vehicle and needs close attention over the next 2.5 years alone. Bonds, teeth, etc... dehydration also possible.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 10th house. Here your purpose in life will be revealed, those that have no clear purpose will feel that calling.
You also if working will have more obligations on your hand. If this limits your creativity & you already feel the pinch.... this could be a time of transition. One could also find as society and the rules involved in such move through a shift. That career also could have red tape of changes occurring causing added stress.
You also can have achievement's and a higher position possible in this position. Be it your balancing home based side hustles & out of house employment....It will be a handful, manage your time well.
Avoid conflict in the area linking to superiors, this also could be a time of pressures. They also may look to you for professionalism in the eye of burdens. Putting your best efforts forward future tense could see you gaining future tense.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 2nd house. This can be a time where you learn healthy money habits. It also can be where with what you have you become very resourceful. For some this could be due to life changes, having children, join finances or other.
Some may upskill during this time for the future so what and where you are wont be a permanency., limitless....
You also may have emotional changes, this could also be a time where self esteem will be key. Build up knowing your more than your vesicle, it also could bring emotional situation's to a head.
For some this could be a time that pacifiers are eliminated. You also will find it a time in reducing unhealthy eating habits. Be cautious if struggling, e.g. eating issues, emotional associations.. Always seek a professional.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 3rd house. For you during Saturn's ingress int he house of Pisces, both your day to day activities, detail and tib will have you run off your feet.
Details, analytics, paperwork and assessing the best method to proceed will be your motto. Those dealing with budget will have an obsessing with such. You also may look at your time management and how long to achieve those goals.
Your communication style may be assertive, you also may need to pause prior to presuming or addressing things. Those working on the road may also have to watch those pennies and make productive changes
Some during this time may review the transportation area of life and technology. Read all fine print in association to contracts Working online you also may have changes that one must adhere to.
Keep in mind your stress levels, changes in diet and eating are possible. If your schedule is busy looking at ways you can be both healthy and organized. This also could be a time where you look at pacifiers and habits. They may also be preventing you from digging into the root cause of true stress's.
Those that had wanted to hit the gym and get into shape, routine and shifts in diet on this occasion will create the true possibility for success.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 11th house. Saturn sitting int he house of Pisces for you in your 11th house can bring changes in friendships, social responsibilities, career progression.
As mentioned in a previous sign, this can be an internal change where due to circumstances you need to be strict with your time. How your time management works, as well as how you focus on your goals.
If you enable others and avoid self, this can be a bold revelation. You will see through your process where you stand in life atm.
One will be seeing individuals true colors & what they need from you. This also can go the other way where others can see your true colors. Saturn requires the maturity adult version of oneself. Thus karma and downfalls can occur if codependent during this cycle.
Many can take on a higher position, this also can be changes in the way you use your money. Partnerships will require team work, this will also apply to projects and your commitments.
Friendships will also be a place where if the give and take hasn't been in order, drams will occur. You also may feel unloved by social connections, here it aids you to see your part in situation's.
Remember this transit with Saturn's ingress into Pisces will be until 2026. So see how this plays out, more over the challenges and changes will evolve you as an individual.
Our last transit was in the house of Aquarius. For you it linked to your 10th house of purpose, did you evolve through this circumstance...You will now see a different vibration within your life through the past.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.
MARCH 7TH 2023-MAY 24TH 2025
Saturn enters into the house of Pisces on the 7th of March 2023. During the 7th we have our Full Moon in Virgo at 16Deg. We may during this time be more critical, wanting more detail. Pause prior to reacting. Virgo can link to communication, health, analytics, detail, perfectionist, quality control.
For you Aries from March the 7th 2023, until May 24th 2025, Saturn will sit in your 7th house. Oh boy are you ready? Your 7th house links to relationships, deep connections, obligations in contracts and your body.
You will be very realistic by the end of this Big Boy Transit. Saturn entering into your relationship, contracts & partnership sector. Wow
For some this can be a time where you will be really reviewing how connections operate. If they are limiting you in some way. Is it due to codependency, control, enabling or fear of being you. This can also flip where it is just occurring within these areas as mentioned above as per the 7th house system.
Many of you had deep changes last year, some felt quite disillusioned during Neptune's retrograde. To jolt your memory lets look at those dates. Neptune in Pisces moved Rx June 28th 2022-Dec 4th 2022. Think back to this time as to what was playing out.
Here Saturn will aid in the maturity of these areas, its not to say it wont be work. Many also can find that if the area of the 7th house is not in harmony separation's will occur. No this isn't a doomed fate, but it can be one you chose due to your own personal needs should the the tower occur.
You want soul long standing relationships to mature, evolve and be stable. This will be for your mind body and soul evolution. You wont want anything less, you got this Virgo.
Disclaimer: I do not provide, legal, medical or financial advice, this is astrology aspects only. For such please seek a professional. I take no responsibility for such choices.