Welcome to our Online update for our Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th of October 2022. This will be a 6-12 month new cycle.... Although it's only a Partial Solar Eclipse....Venus is ending her 251 year cycle ending in Scorpio shifting into a new Cycle for our Lifetime....into Libra
The out dated areas of life that had needed to shift, many may initially resist such and not feel safe in personally making such shifts.... I have time stamped our Eclipse Videos for here & may do such for all future updates...
Lucky changes, shifts in situation's, can occur that in the long run ...... codependency, attachments can crop up.... It is here to shift situation's in life that were stagnant like rotting water in a septic tank...
One can also look to the taboo areas of life, sex, debt, inherences, rebirth...change... Partnerships that are dependable.... We see changes happening now with Mercury direct like were working on such now to shift life in new directions. I have listed in the Webinar what Zodiac Signs can be hit more so....
This in the long run can have a Yin Yang affect with long term benefits....Try to work with this with acceptance & shadow work...Avoid meditation 2 days prior on the day and 2 days after....
Base chakra Solar Plexus can be quite active....Your home energy also can have situation's coming about...This also can be a situation where it's our conditioning at this time...
Try to give it a few days to settle for such to show its true energy... It also can be a time of transition. Journaling can be a great ways to gain clarity & place ideas down feelings etc....
Changes we see in the collective can be shifting, we also have covered the areas that are shifting for each Zodiac Sign...Our online Webinars are on offer to Vip Members & New Events and perks will be discounts on all new education Corses in 2023...