LIBRA 2021
Libra 2021 is almost here and 2020 has been a large shift. Libra 2021 I will be here to guide you all. The Astrology, chakra reports ,psychic updates & the tarot.
Some sections @ will be by subscription, other areas are set to be additional content on YouTube Instagram and Facebook Free.
Follow me here feel free to download the wix app and sub to get updates. Keep safe see you all soon. Ps bookings are available during December 2020, they are filling up fast.
Saturn & Jupiter enters Aquarius mid month December 2020 this kicks off your big changes, the big level up. For those of you born in the 90s stay tuned for my interview with Mark from Intuitive Perceptions @ for how his Personal Experience was with The great Saturn Return. I will also be on his & my channel for this update. His logo bellow mine.
Libra expect some sudden changes to be implemented come January with you. It may occur to you or within your power. As Uranus in Taurus moves stationary direct in January. This all bounces off come January 2021,be ready follow me or book a reading online.
Stay tuned for the interview with Mark from Intuitive Perception's soon @yildizreadings5d on YouTube