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This guide is full of tips and tricks to help you get ahead in the June 2022 You Stars. Don't get lost in a loop be prepared!


The world and its systems are changing, so our goals and dreams can go unnoticed. It's easy to get caught up in everything that's happening and lose sight of what's important.

It can be difficult to avoid stress & pressures on a daily basis. A need to make sure you're focusing on your objectives, or else it could easily get in the way of your goals. June provides an opportunity to take a step back and look at any new terrain.

June 2022 astrology transits are here to help. This is a time of rethinking, reworking, balancing emotions and values. It's a time of dreams, but also a time of hard work. June 2022 astrology transits offer a chance to reflect on the past and shape the future.

If you are a newbie or just not familiar with what the our Star Sign Subscriptions Online, here is a quick summary: You Star Star Sign Subscriptions are on offer both free and paid via our monthly updates.

With Astrology, Psychic mediumship and Soul Coaching , you'll get the support you need. This will aid in your successful journey through June 2022's detailed transits. Don’t settle with a standard star sign, get all the tools with Yildiz Readings 5D Star Sign Subscriptions.



June 2022 brings change twists & turns this month, with what we have we must make the best of life this month. One could say this can be a window of change with Jupiter direct in Aries giving us this added kick to get ahead.

With our Sun in the house of Gemini until the 21st of June focus your focus will be on stabilizing your ship now! If you felt your life last month moving backwards instead of forwards, June is the month to change this.

Our Sun will be in the house of Gemini where it shifts into the sign of Cancer. 21st June 2022. Our attention in the first part of the month may be cleaning shop & rearranging our routines in life.

Jupiter will be direct in the house of Aries we need to take advantage of this at this time. Jupiter is a place of liberation energy justice growth expansion. In Aries its personal its us self esteem identity personal values beliefs courage strength. Pull upon these areas within your self now!

With our values relating to stagnation this months energy with our Full Moon In Sagittarius will bring an ending to the way we emotionally deal with values, beliefs and growth. We at a personal level may have had fears around how we strive for success. This can be a time at a collective level we view trade, values, spirituality guru energy in a new way.

Jupiter energy also can with both Venus & mercury in the mix be changes around the way we run business, social activities, health, schools & local business may have been changing during the transit.

We have until July 28th 2022, use your time wisely and try to not rest our your laurels. This is not the time to do such, Jupiter Retrograde can benefit us by reflecting upon our best way ahead, but it can slow things down.

With our transits this year, its best to get ahead now before its to late.!


As we move into the month of June 2022 , Mercury In Gemini will still be in retrograde until the 3rd of June 2022. You will have attention on past actions words thoughts & ideals. You can feel your going over old ground and preparing your self for the new.

Mercury is notorious for frustrations, issues with technology, travel, tourism wellness. It also is a time of blast from the past and reviewing needless to say its challenging & frustrating.

Mercury moves station direct in Taurus on the 3rd of June @ 26deg. Mercury then moves post direct in Gemini on the 18th of June 2022. Here our attention can be shifting

As Mercury shifts station & direct we may be in areas of money, value, work, love shifting gears. what calls our immediate attention will be our power in what we do now! Mercury gave us the resume of muck ups misunderstanding's, unaligned areas where success was thwart.


Cancer you may have felt like your traveled back in time, through the fog of a 9 to 5 or beyond. For some you may have had changes needed around feelings diet & wellness.

Love career Money & wellness are all experiencing a transformation atm. You also can feel the pressures of these areas that are moving through this process.

You at a personal level between you, your past & others will be very different by months end.


This can be a month of changes within love, you may be reflecting upon the past. You also may wish to weed out those wounds & outdated ways. The way you see feel experience love is a 2 way street.

With Mercury's transits this month may have you revisiting those old feelings with a new prospective. Your own energy will be evolving this month this can have you having changes of heart.

You can also be looking at winding your circle, this also can be a time of social meetings in the mix. Join us to dig deeper into this below!


For those couples the month of June 2022 can have changes around love career & wellness. Both parties may have been working very hard during the last month.

You may also be looking to

This month you may find your self deeply reflective still, you may feel like your a bit of a rat in a cage with your thoughts. That is if you have 5 min to think, but as Mercury moves about your focus shifts back into the area of love.

You may find you are rethinking your connection and the responsibilities involved in it. Is the give & take their. Are you feeling a deep wealth of love, or do you feel attention & focus urgently needs recharging into the area.

You later in the month can have a Big think on those very areas with you in the drivers seat. What will you feel by months end & how will this shape up in the area of love. Be cautious if your second guessing your self, don't make brash decissions via anger or stress. Breath!

Join us for your June 2022 report covering your stars for the month & how to best navigate it all. See you on the other side!


Both you & your career are set to shift into high gear this month Cancer, you may have more on your plate than you know. For those running home based businesses changes associated to this area may add pressure. I do cover the Business side deeper within our Monthly report.

Changes around work & group dynamics may be shifting. There may be added pressure if your environment is understaffed. Tension may rise due to this but your efforts will pick up.

Re organization & changes around your contract may be in the works. This could be changes relating to company policy's & procedures may also be in the mix of reworking. etc...

Drastic changes in the area of study, travel beliefs can occur around the 23-28th pay attention to life's new realities. You may have to rework your beliefs associated with direction.

For those of you in the area of business, come join us within for a deep dive into your Star Signs Astrology. I cover the must knows, tips per transit, warning dates for June 2022.


We have a new addition to our Star Sign Subscription our Romance house has Twin Flame updates now. Your Star Sign has its update relating to your Twin Flame Path. Our Duo Packs provide you with Twin Flame Subscription & Star Sign Subscription. Both have twin flame path covered now.



These updates are for you to use with mindfulness and accountability. I provide no legal or financial advice , for such please seek a professional in that area. I take no direct responsibility for those decisions or outcomes based on your own power and responsibility. These reports & transits to guide you through your path, I provide a full report on the areas and how one during such may be ready.


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