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Welcome to your Monthly Update for your Zodiac Sign, for a more Indepth personal booking we have Bookings online via our Booking Page. Let's get into your update now!


This month all planets move direct, this is an opportunity to move our directions ahead. We may have some rumbles from Uranus in Taurus. Mercury Remains in Capricorn SD exiting Capricorn on the 11th of Feb 2023.

Many may have issues with trusting their instincts, this will be something we must develop. Mars direct in Gemini may have us being flighty we must keep things simple in our direction. Or we may become side tracked with options.

We also may revolt against one given choice. Be realistic Feb 2023 is a month to gain our bearings, regain stability within our own Personal Foundations in readiness.



You may be feeling more vital as we move into the month. Many also may have felt that situations were shifting. After the first week of Feb 2023, you may find yourself ready to deal with some major issues.

Changes in diet also are possible & image shifts. As within as without you may have some emotional hiccups but it shows some emotional true. I call it" The Emperor's New Clothes" moment.

These do not have to be bad situation's but courage & self-expression will come about now. Those that felt shifts in tribe, home and family may now feel it's time to get your bearings.

You also want to stabilize yourself for your future although were talking February 2023, the next 20 years of your life are set to shift radically. This is your time Aquarius own the stage.

Changes in resources & making those dreams come true could be a little confusing. Connections also may have been hot and cold leading to anger or confusion. Come see more below.


*Disclaimer-Please be advised this is not medical advice, financial, psychological or profession nor legal.. These are commonly knowing areas associated to our transits & how they may impact individuals during transits. This is not to be used for any other purpose, seek a professional of that area. I take no responsibility for your personal choices.


Please find below your Star Signs & how this will affect your Zodiac Sign. Yes if you wish for a more accurate reading based on your individual Birth Chart, feel free to book online now! For cross referencing between you & another's chart our bookings online will also assist.

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If love was a hot & not situation, your sense of energy & power felt off. Things can spark up again, many may have more than their fair share of situation's playing out. Yes pregnancies are possible.

Try to keep your bearings many will find they are more inclined to speak up. Remember a relationship is where 2 invest, if one isn't pulling their wealth communication is key. You will be determined to get to the bottom of thigs, play your cards right.

I do see many wanting to have an image shift, this can be with styling, diet or due to a new attitude. You will also be ready to have your dreams come true. If a honey isn't on the same page, you may reach the end of your patience. some that are unhappy mat pull the pin. I also see a possibility of someone from the past revealing their true feelings for you.


This month in the mix you may be viewing a new chapter. Some may wish to move up the ladder. Others may have a pay rise on the horizon. Play your cards right and know you have what it takes.

An old situation relating to career may crop up ready to be delt with. You also may take on a higher responsibility at work. You will have the gift of the gab and some may have more on their plate. Upskilling online also is possible.

Home based business's may have had ups and downs due to Uranus in taurus and our North Node in Taurus. This is a time where we are trying to gain our footings again after all those shake ups.


You may be traveling more for work, you also may have over the last few months been dealing with a lot. Home changes may have been possible, family related expenses etc..

As we move into February 2023 the first week could have you emotionally up in your head moment.

Ideas can come to you at a drop of a hat, you also by mid-month have possibilities to gain financially. Parises also are possible within your career or those that decide to transition over to new employment will via such gain more financial.


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