Exploring the Impact of Uranus in Taurus Retrograde September 2024 & BEYOND- Your Horoscope AHEAD!
Everything you need to know about URANUS- including its retrograde and direct movements!
All the information you require about URANUS - including details on its retrograde and direct motions! How its transits have been linked to shake ups changes and the unexpected. Big symbolism's of endings and changes as an inevitable tapestry of life.
Delving into the intricate tapestry of time, we embark on a journey beyond dates, transcending the boundaries of past, present, and future. Our exploration extends into the mythology, sheds light on the significance of its very mythology and transits alike.
Through this lens, we peer into the depths of our predictions, drawing connections between ancient & contemporary views.
As we navigate this realm of collective energy, we also turn our gaze inward towards the individual. Each of us is a unique thread in the cosmic fabric, contributing our essence to the intricate dance of existence. By understanding the interplay between the collective and the individual, we gain a deeper insight into the forces shaping our lives and the world around us.
Uranus takes a total of 84 years to move though a complete circuit of the zodiac wheel. It moves retrograde every year for around 5 months. It moves into shadow mid August 2024 and into its station Retrograde as of the 1st September 2024 moving shadow direct January 30th 2025.
During Uranus retrograde in Taurus in September 2024, there may be a focus on reassessing values, finances, and stability. During this time it could bring unexpected changes or disruptions related to money, possessions, and the material world.
We also can see this at a global level and personal within our points and positions within our birth charts. Taurus is notorious for desiring security and comfort, we may need to make adjustments to realign with our true desires and aspirations. This during its Retrogradation could pose some issues. A we have our New Moon in the house of Virgo and B we have our 1st Full Moon in the house of Pisces being a Lunar Eclipse.
Can we think outside the box for solutions within an innovative way? This may be the key, however the axis of this eclipse will bring subjects of values to a head.
The last time Uranus in Taurus moved retrograde was from August 19, 2021, to January 18, 2022.
Uranus, the planet of innovation and unexpected change, entered the sign of Taurus on the 29th of August 2023, marking a significant shift in the astrological landscape.
On the 27th of January 2024, Uranus stationed direct in Taurus, signaling a time for us to integrate the insights and revelations that we have gained during its retrograde phase. The dates above can give you some clues as to what was playing out in your life during those times.
We more over may need to look at the new environment and its changing dynamics are bringing about a new set of challenges. How do we honour the need and desire for change as well as hold our stability.
In the current landscape, it is becoming increasingly evident that the evolving environment is introducing a myriad of new dynamics that are giving rise to a fresh array of challenges.
 As we navigate through this transformative period, it is crucial for us to not only acknowledge but also embrace the necessity and inclination for change. This poses a significant question: how can we effectively balance the imperative for adaptation with the equally vital need for stability?
The process of honoring the need for change while maintaining stability requires a delicate and thoughtful approach. It involves recognizing the shifting paradigms and being open to exploring innovative solutions that align with the evolving landscape. Embracing change signifies a willingness to step out of our comfort zones, challenge existing norms, and adapt to new circumstances.
Simultaneously, upholding stability demands a strong foundation rooted in core values, principles, and practices that have proven to be effective and reliable. It involves striking a harmonious equilibrium between embracing change and preserving the essential elements that provide structure and continuity.
In essence, the key lies in fostering a culture that values both change and stability, viewing them not as conflicting forces but as complementary aspects of growth and progress. By cultivating a mindset that embraces transformation while upholding stability, we can effectively navigate the complexities of the evolving environment and emerge stronger and more resilient in the face of new challenges.
Uranus' retrograde in Taurus may have stirred up feelings of restlessness and a desire for greater freedom and authenticity in how we approach our resources and security. It was a time to break free from old patterns and limitations, paving the way for new opportunities and growth in the realm of material stability and self-worth.
This in revolutionizing our values, resources, and sense of security. This transit encourages us to break free from outdated structures and embrace new ways of approaching our material and financial matters.
Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, is a celestial body that continues to captivate astronomers and enthusiasts.
Uranus Known as the "ice giant," Uranus stands out with its blue-green hue but also for its peculiar rotational axis. Its tilted almost parallel to its orbital plane, causing it to essentially roll around the Sun on its side.
Unlike most planets in our solar system that rotate in a prograde direction, Uranus spins on its axis in a retrograde motion It rotates from east to west. Setting it apart from its planetary counterparts.
Uranus experiences periodic retrograde and direct movements within its orbits to the Sun. During these phases, the planet appears to temporarily reverse its course in the sky before resuming its forward motion. These celestial movements not only challenge our understanding of planetary dynamics but offer insights into its gravitational interactions and orbital mechanics within our solar system.
The Mythology surrounding Uranus
In Greek mythology, Uranus was one of the primordial deities, the personification of the sky. He was the son and husband of Gaia, the Earth. Uranus and Gaia were the parents of the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires.
One view was Gaia grew weary of the very oppressive nature then with the help of her children plotted to overthrow him.
Who were Uranus's parents?
There is contention surrounding Uranus' parents. Some say he was created by Gaea to be his equal. Others believe Uranus is the son of Gaea and Akmon or Aether.
Kronos, the offspring of Uranus
He was also know as Cronus & Chronos being a Titan and the son of Uranus. The story goes that after his birth Uranus locked his children in Tartarus. Krono's being the brave soul overthrew his father and aided in freeing his siblings.
Uranus was a cruel and oppressive ruler, fearing the power of his children. Gaia, who suffered greatly under his tyranny, conspired with her son Cronus to overthrow Uranus.
In a daring act, Cronus castrated Uranus with a sickle, severing his genitals and casting them into the sea. From the blood that spilled, the Furies and Giants were born, while from the sea foam emerged the goddess Aphrodite. This act marked the end of Uranus' reign and the beginning of a new era in Greek mythology.
Death of Uranus symbolizes the overthrow of oppressive powers giving rise to a new order. Representing the cyclical nature of life, where the old must give way to the new .
A tale about the consequences of unchecked power and the inevitability of change.
Like a king handing the crow or it be taken... Be it you desire such or not, in truth change is always happening. We can move with the tides or be dragged.
As we looked at the mythology of Uranus, his family and the energy. One strong vibration rings true to it all. Changes is always happening, sometimes without warning. How can we now be aware of that and live through it. How can we transition and keep up with the times with holding our values.
That for all of us can be a key theme and test. But will we pas that test? Or will we fall victim to doom and gloom without testing the new?
Animals in the animal kingdom transition and change, we use technology and innovation to do such! How can we mirror the patterns and become adaptable will be the test. This could be a time of producing the new testers of society!
Yes we can look at some locations below that link to the area of Taurus. These locations can be in the news. They could be having changes in the below blog update. I go into Predictions and how they could play out.
Greek Island
East Timor
Great Poland
south Africa
south parts of Russia
Our deepest fears and concerns may shake us to the core. It could be the very thing to change both of values and our views of the world we live in. Locations that can be linked to this are as follows.
Uranus can link to older generations and younger. Things that can play out during this time can be old and new. Money values, women, trade, agriculture, weather, infostructure. Wealth banking business tax.
*Don't be surprised if you find big changes in these areas. We can see some really key players within innovation being trendsetters. These areas and induvial may be the link to change and bring about solutions to the big problems.
PREDICTIONS BELOW................
Earth changes
natural disasters
solar activity
electrical storms
breakthroughs in agriculture
crop loss
value shifts
homes shift in value are we heading for a crash
interest rates to make the news again
some countries market crash
trend changing in peoples spending habits
beauty industry
big supermarkets and shops go bust
coffee shops
fast food chains
clothing industry
music & festivals
food banks
seed banks
Tech company's go bust
new shops using tec.. the need for new rules and cutting red tape
sacking of big boss's being replaced
power companies change direction
solar co goes bust
recalls on tec
using old to innovate new
seed banks changes breakdowns and recoveries. Some can go into administration or close. The Global Seed bank could be int he news.
big manufacturing co into administration globally or within the locations listed.
Shipping companies go into solvency
shipping companies, ports, planes go on strike
new technology and changes around shipping transport
buildings may be pulled down
some buildings will have upgrades done and restored
transforming old warehouses into different uses.... Eg homes and units.
new technology introduced in the above
shifts with innovation
unsolved cases cracked with DNA and updated tec
cyber security
challenges and unexpected change.
trade and technology changes
how we generate energy- Hydrogen, Nuclear, Solar etc...
Space and the hidden exposed
Exploring the Major Shifts Coming for Our Zodiac Signs
Lets take a look at the transit and where it can be hitting your zodiac sign. This will last for 5 months. Lets get you set for what's ahead.
I have also provided the bottom, notice I also linked to your zodiac sign update. This for those less aware can provide links to discover their hidden aspects within their birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
Your wealth and confidence could be up for changes. This can link to your income or material value. As Uranus asks for changes this can be steps your taking or one that happens to you. During this time investments may be under review, yes this could link to land homes etc... shares.
You may need to make changes in this area, remember Uranus brings innovation to these areas. Some of you goals also around this could be shifting. Assets that once held valuable to you also can change.
Within your wellness zone this also can be emotional, be cautious with your nervous system and using beverages and or toxic pacifiers. This could be a time you have teeth issues you more over may wish to change and kick bad hobbits.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
During this time Leo your purpose in life may be shifting. This also for those that are working could be changes in employment. For some this could come as a shift and looking outside the box. For those running businesses this also can take on a new dimension.
You also could be living through changes happening within your industry. How can you navigate such. This could be a change your making due to your intuition and basis of viewing the shifts.
You also may feel that your values and balance of your personal goals are under question. Is this the time post mercury rx to answer those questions and take the steps. This could feel like an identity crisis. But more in the realm of knowing what your new purpose will be and where to go from her.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
You may feel overwhelmed with the eat prey repeat. This also could be a time where kicking bad habits come to a crunch. You could be asking your self key questions how can i better manage my time. Where is my personal time? Do I have the time to move towards my goals in a structured way.
Health and wellness also can aspect, what changes you wish to make can be life changing. Is life getting the better of you, do you feel the people around you are trustworthy? These can be key questions you may ask your self.
The 6th house can be a place where you feel your your own worst enemy. Look at ways you can shift this. Be cautious of extremes during its Station Retrograde and station direct. This can be a time of shifting in your desires within eating and daily routine.
Are you over critical of your self and your abilities and choices? Afterall you are human like us all. Go easy on your self sag!
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
Your a giving person cancer! With Uranus in Taurus linking to your 11th house, you would move hell and high waters for others. Those nearest and dearest.
Your 11th house linking to your social circles, aspiration's friendships and the mark you wish to leave on the world. How are these areas needing change? Have you outgrown certain people
This can also link to aspiration's within career and management or even your wealth via financial gains. Uranus is notorious for shifts and sudden at that. For some you may wish to rewrite how you show up in these areas. You also may wish to make changes and view how you do such during its retrograde.
For some you may have outgrown certain social settings, social habits and ppl. Trust your intuition and know the best is yet to come. Its ok to change, its ok to be you. Your more than what you bring to the table.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
Scorpio during this time of change areas relating to your 7th house your shadow sign will crop up. This can be a time of traveling over old ground. This can relate to marriages contracts partnerships.
Be it a career, a contract, things bills & debt, wealth & love.... All these areas are up for change. This will test the very footings you stand on.
Love can be a time of overview shifts and changes. You may have a sudden urge to reflect review and even deal with pressure points. Be it your in a relationship or not! Yes feelings of the past can crop up and the very essence of your deep dark feelings.
Subjects to do with how you deal with change, how you deal with connections. What you need to feel safe, how you feel about your body. This all can come to a head, change is here and its here to liberate and change you for the better.
Its the notion of the glass half full or glass half empty. How you tackle this or how it plays out all takes you down the road of necessary change.. Over due and necessary liberation of your pure honesty.
Pluto also shaking things up of late as it sat in the house of Aquarius. Your home, mother, parenthood, desires for a stable environment. Pluto shifts things that are outdated and asks us to weed the garden. It will shift back during 2024 for its last horror show. Or a shift and review lets say.
Over view of your daily routine, eating habits, communication style relationships with siblings. Loans around cars are all a possible subject matter. I wouldn't be surprised if you go back and review conversations contracts and dive deep into what's been left behind. Like a possible stone not turned that could provide deeper healing knowledge and change.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
For you subjects around communication daily activity siblings contracts vehicles can crop up. You also may feel stress has got the better of you. Although we are discussing Uranus's in Taurus you have other key plants going on.
BE cautious during this time with radical feelings intuition and self expression. You could find at this tine its key to get all the details before jumping. You may wish to confine in someone close to you.
You more over could feel that your seeing the whole picture. Navigating these transformative volatile tines are going to be testing. Be it in your career or everyday life. Change is here be it we want it or not.
Technology innovation and brain storming may be necessary. Looking at statistics and research also may be key.
You may need to look at your nutrition and what you do in your every day lire. Be cautious with stimulants atm and it can be a good time to kick bad habits and get extra rest. This on a level of over thinking over the last few months could bring things to a head.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
For you Gemini you may feel your stuck in a rut. This also can be sudden changes around ppl you knew. Old vs New.
Be cautious to keep things on the up and up and try to keep on the right side. Caution around any dramas with wellness, mind health, The 12th house can link to mental asylums, incarnation, prisons, psychic energy, feeling stuck, endings, death of the old and or new beginnings.
You could experience a person who is close to you going through the above. This can be you also in some shape or form. This bodes well in doing shadow work and viewing your life from a new prospective Have you been stuck and not transitioning.
If this links to work and or employment and value shifts will test if your on the right track. This could be with budget, costs, values and services. It also could shape the type of work and how you do it.
In your everyday life linking to the above, you may feel your looping and needing to find a health balance. Navigating this may be testing, we have 5 months to work it out. We also can find that we use both our time the new and old ways to keep our footings up.
It can be a great time to book coaching or support services. If you feel your needing to dive deep.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
For you being you are a Venus sign, this both links to self as well as your 8th house. The eight house the 7th house and the 1st house for you.
If your in a partnership be it romantic a contract etc... it could be a breakthrough or breakdown. A change is occurring in this area.
You may be reviewing and needing to make changes in your status, job contracts partnerships and how you gain resources from others.
Tax debt legacies and inhetarences can crop up at this time more over money and values in the shape of sundries etc...You can be looking at making changes to stabilise self and your footings at this time. It is at the 27 deg in facing a fear and shifting into your true north.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
For you this can be a big time of transition. A we just had our Moon in the house of Aquarius in August. Big shifts for you at a personal level both with the Full Moon and Pluto in Aquarius rx. Pluto shifting soon brings you in your mind back to square one. But is it?
Uranus Rx in the house of Taurus both links to You. Saturn & Old school Uranus.
The subjects that can crop up in our values and view within your scope can be as follows.
Your home, family, tribe can be moving through a shift. How you deal with others and their changes. Parenthood and navigating a home a place to lay your head.
How you can deal with the stresses of putting bead and butter on the table. How you can be their for you and your family.
For some you could find out your pregnant. For others it could be a shift with a parent figure or parenting. This also could be with an x or siblings.
You also could find that changing s in the home environment could come about at this time. If debts and wealth was shifting this can shift suddenly. Moves of homes or plans for homes also can come about.
You may be also dealing with Capricorn energy in the last months of this year. Old habits and fears could crop up. Rest assured this is the last leg of the transit, try to not move into fear. Know that this time can have you up in your head.
You may effect on the past, past over loved ones and fears of the future. If you needing coaching, counseling etc to do the last leg... do such in knowing it will be a wrap by 2025! Clean that old slate purge out the old, this will make room for the new.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
For you this has been a testing few year, move over a testing few months. With Our double Moon in the house of Capricorn in months gone by. This during 2024 and our transition with Pluto shifting between Capricorn and Aquarius.
Uranus in Taurus Retrograde links to your 5th house. We can look at the 5th house of romance affairs. How you loved lived and were creative. Past passions can come cropping up to the front door.
If this links to business your creative side may be in need of a shake up and review. Shifts and bring vales to your client customer or product base could be here. You may find you have no time for fun and may be looking at different ways you have changed and who the new you is. Yes getting that yellow charka in balance may be key.
In love you may review the twists and turns love and romance styles have weaved. What now can you do in a new way for the best. Have you also faced your shadow relating to age, time old new past present and your pending future.
A sudden shift in romance could come about un expected for you at this time. Expect the unexpected. Those also with children can have a changed relationships with those induvial. They also may have some personal changes occurring in their life at this time.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.
For you this can be personal, Uranus has been stirring up a hornets nest. Things for a time may have settled but a large shake up in status is here for you. This can link to the house of self, love, contracts and partnerships. Old situation's form the past can come to a head.
You may wish to change your look, you may have a change in status in the following areas. Love Contracts, Partnerships Wealth Diet, Image.
Are your values in alignment with others. This could be a time of you vs the world. You are not who you were yesterday. Your not who you are just in the here and now. However this could spin you a new curve ball and you may throw the baby out with the bath water at this time.
Tensions could be running high, you also may experience frustration. A lot of times what's going on in the 1st house can link to not only our image or outer world but our emotional world and self esteem. Sitting with our feelings summing them up and dealing with necessary changes may be key.
Mountains out of mole hills occur when we sweep things under the carpet. Now lets not say that's what has occurred. It can be human behaviour due to circumstances that we find ourself in that space. This now can be a great time to reassess the pan of attack and deal with the elephant in the room once and for all.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, we all will experience radical change. This will be at a collective level, as well as within an area or areas of your natal birth chart.
Go to Astro-Seek to pull your induvial Birth chart. Here you can view your point shouse and placements for your 12 house.
Look to points in your chart. Alternatively you can book a session for guidance and support online now.Â
Virgo the last few months have not been easy. However for some our retrogrades may have taken some of that pressure off. This could be linking to your 7th house during 2024. That could look very different come 2025.
As we move into our Uranus in Taurus Retrograde, your 2nd and 9th house are activated. Travel beliefs siblings education values. Net worth assets and material value.
Have you wanted to travel or have you felt like you have done nothing but go go go. Changes can be here for you to deal with. Some can be rewards you will rea from your already changed notion.
Lets look at a couple of ways this transit could hit your energy. Again I will say this will be collective general energy for Virgos however the key to this is your personal pints in your chart to get a true prediction.
For some you could be looking at investments wealth and material values. The changes you may need to make. Your physical income form those investments. This could link to shares investments values of your possessions.
You also could be looking at severing a partnership and the wealth entangled in this situation. Be it a contract partnership or relationship. These don't have to be ending they could just be shifts and changes needed.
For some you could be training staff or even desiring to upskill to keep up with the times.
Within career or business upskilling and looking at budget could crop up. is tech needing to be updated? Your style of advertising in new different ways to get found.
This is a caution to us during this transition, take time to not throw the baby out with the bath water. If things happen to us, thus we deal with such. Lets not be the tower we create upon ourself due to a tested emotional moment. That's not to say its been a moment, lets just attempt to deal with the need for change in a tangible logical way.
Practical Tips for Harnessing the Energy
Strategies for embracing change and innovation during Uranus in Taurus retrograde. Embracing unpredictability: ...Seeking stability in unconventional ways: ...Nurturing adaptability: ...Cultivating inner strength: ...
Old footings may need repair and adjustments. This can be a time of internal transition and reflection.
Be cautious to not cause unnecessary towers in our personal, professional or value settings atm. Give it a week for the enrgy to settle into its Retrograde. If such occurs without warning do your best and think outside the box. All will not be lost rather transformed for the best.
The big conversations I was having at a personal level really summed up a big shift occurring within society. This was both conversations and observations of trends, subject matters and my experience within astrology.
Changes in the following
personal time
balancing the old and new
fears for survival
fatigue and the every day grind
frustration with instability
feelings that no solution was available
fears of technology
fears of career prospects
fears around food and trade
weather changes and our safety
These were some of the subjects that came up with ppl. They approached these subjects with knowing astrology. Without knowing transits it was also over a wide scope of induvial.
Know your not alone! Know its all of us navigating these changing times. Its affecting old and new young and old. We all are moving through this shift and yes change always feelings like growing pains.
Knowing where this hits in your chart can aid you both in being prepared and aware of where this transition change can occur.
Look to the past for more details. Not necessarily what occurred then, will occur now. You may have a shifted experience or prospective.
Look at the deg points this also can give us more of an indication of how this transition can occur.
know the logistics, on the map where could this hit. Eg. agriculture, earthquakes, country's points and placement's, banking, trade, weather,
Job changes and shifts in how we work spend and live
energy company's moving through transitions
environment changes and how we provide for our self
be cautious of using stimulants during the first few weeks of its Retrograde. Many can feel heightened stimulations.
Sounds odd but give it a go...hug a tree or take your shoes off to get grounded. Magnetic therapy also can aid or listening to earth hertz
spend wise
look at ways you can use energy better
the best inventors came from transits linking to Uranus... don't think your invention is not worth... Sometimes it could be the change.
Understanding that knowledge is a source of power, we strive to empower you through our regular updates, ensuring that you are well-informed and prepared for any situation that may arise. Our ultimate goal is to keep you engaged and informed, so that you are always one step ahead.
Regardless of the challenges that may come our way, we are committed to making the most of our transition. We acknowledge that this period has presented its own set of obstacles, but we are determined to navigate through them together. The resilience and dedication shown by everyone involved is a testament to our collective strength and unity.
This is not legal financial or professional advice. For such please seek a professional.
I take no legal or personal responsibility for such matters.
In this day and age we must cover all bases. I endeavour to provide information based on transits to guide you in your own personal decision making.