Welcome to our update for our Eclipse Season kicking off between March & April 2024. Lets take a look at some of the key themes that can crop up during this time. Why look at one Eclipse where both are having a BIG conversation Piece.
As we move into our Eclipse Season, we can mark this window a time as a big pressure point. This is by no means an easy portal for all of us to deal with, patience may be necessary.
South Node Eclipses being a Full Moon can be things of the past wrapping up. For some we may find values changing, styles, relationships contracts partnerships. This also can be shifting around home. Organisation and review are possible at a general level.
This could also bring about issues of triggers regarding the past. Revenge also could aspect and or expressions of personal frustration upon areas. We also with this can feel justice has not been served or fair. This is where the need for balance and or change in areas of career love, friendships, diet, or alliance's are possible.
With the South Node North Node finding that middle ground could be problematic. Were do you start and end, where do we consider others above self or vice verse.
As we view the yearly astrology key Months pop out as hot spots. Between Our Partial Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th March 2024 & our Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th April 2024 at 19 Deg. . This is one BIG RED ZONE!
Although many dub this Eclipse in Libra as a positive..... Im my view both the Libra & Aries Eclipse will be less than such. Libra being a Venus Sign also linking to Marriages, contracts and partnerships. This also can link to alliance's allies wealth banking, food diet, wealth with Eclipses in the mix .Farming, Laws, rules. etc...
Its also key to know where the Eclipse will be visible as these areas could provide int he news key events that play out like a warning beacon. I have provided links to view where each Eclipse will be visible and the locations in my belief we can experience such.
I also look to the path these eclipses take place both past and in the hear and now. I do believe we are all globally impacted via these events. I also believe via historical digging and viewing patterns that these very locations will also have significant events.
Path of visa ability link below
The areas I see as a hit will be as follows but not limited to. Greenland, Brazil, Chili, Mexico, United States, Canada Iceland, UK. I also see the following being impacted already prior. Keep an eye on areas mentioned and surrounding. Australia But only Sydney NSW Melbourne Tasmania Potentially WA however NZ and the islands around such. Japan, Russia,
Libra Eclipses can bring earth quakes, new rules/laws/ financial, agriculture issues, trade issues and broken words. Weather patterns. Break downs in connections partnerships and treaties. Women safety, unsolved cases being solved.
Our Next Eclipse in the house of Aries being the planet of Mars war or the house of passion and selfhood. This eclipse path shifts up a notch. Were also having a visit from what they named as "The Devil Comet"
Locations to look out for or be aware of during this transition. Dates and windows will be over the next 9 weeks however generally I would say look for 6-12 month window.
Regardless the 9 week mark is based on environmental views in history looking at patterns as a possibility.
Our Sabian Symbol for 19 Deg of Aries THE MAGIC CARPET- are we delusional with our ideals,, or having the courage to look outside the box with innovation. Although at a Mundaring level this could signify things that are hidden propaganda as an example. We may need to dig deep to see the truth of what has been portrayed to us at this time at a collective.
Mercury in the house of Aries will also move Retrograde on the 1st April 2024 until 25th April 2024. This can bring about rethinking what lands during our Eclipse in Aries. It may feel like backtracking and feeling anger tension frustration.
We may regardless need to use April like a test run in implementing changes .As we shift into May things will shift into position.
Brazil, United States, Mexico....Location below via link
We have an indication from previous eclipses to see where the karmic shift could be.
When was the last time was the last time we have the North Node in Aries....??????
The Great Storm Of 1986 hit around the 15th and 16th of October 1986. The locations that were impacted were as follows. United Kingdom, France, Channel Island, Bay of Biscay, London Kent, East Anglian, home countries, Brittany, Cotentin Peninsula, Normandy,
The British National Grid were left without power leaving 1000's without. For more info upon this time refer to the link via Wikipedia below.
Halley's Comet comes into view previously seen back in 1910
Space Challenger Disaster STS-51-L
Russel Street Bombing on 27th March Our Eclipse was on the 29th in 1986 FYI. This occurred At The Russell Street Police Headquarters. Killing the 1st female Australian police officer.
Cold War-Between 11th & 12th Oct 1986 Ronald Reagan & Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet in Reykjavik Iceland. Ironically the path of the Eclipse went through this region highlighting the areas. Discussions were regarding scaling back missile arsenals in Europe. but ended in failure.
For more info upon this time refer to the link via Wikipedia below.
Black Monday-stock market crash 2006
Yogyakarta Earthquake 27th May 2006 eclipse path below
2006 Kuril Island Earthquake 8.3 '
Western Tropical Astrology
This is a general interpretation of our Zodiac Signs, be aware this will not replace a birth chart reading. That will give you both the support guidance and deeper meaning of your personal aspects within your induvial birth chart.
Yes we have bookings online for such, feel free to visit our booking page for such or by clicking the link below.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas. Being that the axis directly hits your Zodiac Sign this shift will feel quite significant for you. You may need to be both patient and prepared for the intensity is going to be
This is your shadow sign as well as linking to your Venus house. You may look back to your past and view the above dates for deeper context. More over this could feel deep and personal.
This will link to Marriages, contracts partnerships. This could be an ending or a revisit to the past for closure and fairness. If your dealing with any one of those energy's mentioned above it also can be from a psychological level linking to the past.
Balance is what you will be seeking and is what in your truth you will find works. You vs others is a BIG key team.
Heart charka and healing with the food your using also can aid at this time. Listening to your heart of what resonates with you also is key. Changes in these areas are possible.
If for example your in a toxic relationship, you may choose between now and May to exit stage. You also could have a blast from the past come back such will be ok if both induvials have transformed.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
You personally may have a liberating moment, this can be your image, your desire to stick up for your self. You also may feel burnt out that can bring triggers up if unresolved. If your unsure weather your coming or going... ride that wave.
You cold also want to get physical during this time, be cautious with extreme's. Inflammation although not medical advice is possible. Stop before you blow, be aware of your tipping point and what triggers are. This sis the space of both honouring inner truth as well as a possibility
Your status, image, assertiveness also is possible at this time. Be aware with Mercury Moving Retrograde. Delays and challenges are possible with schedule and body.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
links to your 6th house, diet health and what you do vs what others do. Hidden enemies, pets etc crop up in this position. This also can link to various connections rolls and where you fit in.
Kicking habits at this time are possible as well and seeing where these pressure points are. If you feel off and need to address wellness seek professional advice.
This also can e a time we feel like the world is against us. Victim conscious also can crop up and we then can retrieve our power and move into positive change. '
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This can be a time where you feel stuck in the mind, you also may fear things and again be hiding things.
Our fear of new stars are possible, we may sense its time but fear its time. The 12th house can be a tricky position. It also if you haven't done things above the belt could be a time where we seek support and change.
What is hidden from you may be exposed, this can be on your side of the fence or another's. You also may be interested in careers lining to prisons, woman's groups coaching, astrology and psychic development etc..
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
this links to your 5th house changes around a romantic connection are possible. The foods you eat the social activates and creative pursuits. This also can link to your children. If you had been wishing to have children a blockage can be removed and pregnancies are also possible.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This can be a change around your social responsibility, a position or a friendship group. Yes for some although a new start is here the dynamics could feel messy at first. You could move up the ladder and wish to launch a large project. Such would bode best post mercury direct fyi.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
Changes around your family home and siblings are possible, You may revisit situation's and structures around these areas. For some you could be updating your environment, thinking about the future and taking steps towards a forever home.
Others could move or have people move in or out. This can also feel like we are grieving the past and how things were. Some things are not fair or balanced. Healing is bringing your life to a fresh start, trust the process and know the new is yet to come.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 10th house. Yes we could link this to your career for some, this also can be your purpose and what you feel you need to do. Eg You may have a BIG breakthrough at this time and have that full movement. You will also need to be cautious during the month with tension and frustrations at work for some.
Regardless the house of Purpose could bring about tests changes and new beginning's. Trust the process keep ya cool make that magic happing and shine. Yes like i said balance and personal truth could come through by May...
You may desire to make changes, it could look radical and induvial... that's ok.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
As you are a Moon energy being aware both eclipse can feel very ungrounding for you is key to understand. Let go of control, take 5 for self. Flow. This for your will be at its Peek during its full lunation however a 3 day window each side to be fair.
This for you links to your 3rd house, this can be words hitting hard changes in your diet and nutrition. dissecting words revisiting routines and protentially looking at new ways to travel. Some may upgrade technology or a vehicle. This is a time where you also need to be more cautious on the road.
Thoughts your style of communication, feelings and cross wires. Your may go back down memory lane. This also could link to a contract partnership.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 9th house, this can be travel study, siblings, it also can link to your value system. For some you could receive an opportunity in a marriage, contract relationship or partnership regarding working away. You also will be more assertive around your beliefs.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your second house, home, wealth material value assets e.g.. This also can be a selling or changing of status. You may need to replace an old item or be viewing where it s at.
The courage to be disliked, having to face a way to deal with wealth value feelings in a balanced way. This time can trigger old emotions or a feeling that something that was set in stone needs to be adjusted.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 8th house, things relating to other peoples money, value, inhetarences, tax debt sex.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This can be a change to various areas of your life you your image how you show up. You could miss some aspects of who you use to be. You also may surprise many for how you have transformed.
Face lifts of life image websites and the rolls you play are set to shift. You may also look at the new you and the changes you know you need to make to create that personal balance with health and boundaries.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
You may have your hands full at this time, this links to your marriages contracts partnerships. This also can be wellness diet and image.
Yes blasts from the past, new contracts, new changes you wish to make in those above areas. You will be more assertive at this time ppl may misunderstand you and your vision or need.
Be cautious not to burn our, that always was a possibility this year. Balance, think, express and move on up baby.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 6th house patterns health pets are here for review. You may feel its time to let the past go and to get life in balance. Yes giving to those who have not earned such could emotionally crop up.
Many are placing their health ahead of all, this could be a turning point for you induvial.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 12 house this can link to your beliefs a career partnership or contract. You may feel stuck in a rut in the mind. Beliefs courage may be needed and feeling out of your depth also.
Digging deep may be needed in addressing anger fear or paranoia during this time. You also may be more psychic during this time and have bold dreams coming true.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 11th house, a change around friendships social rolls and or jobs are possible. Letting go and moving on may be so.
Changes in how you manage wealth and your future is here. Have faith by looking back at the past its not your only widow . New chapters are here to be had.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 5th house changes and feelings around social crowds are possible. Kicking bad habits and shifts within the following are possible, affairs, romances, indulgence creativity or that things you use to enjoy.
You also may need to be cautious of over indulgence during this transit over the next 12 months.
If you had a block having children this also can be a time pregnancies are possible. This also can be a time you look at an induvial and wish to connect at a deeper level. Social life can be bold and you will assert your self around children, partners and creativity.
This does not mean all will have an affair fyi... its one way it can show up only.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 10th house you may move on from and job and feel the change is here. You also can see shifts happening and feeling like you need to upskill or shift.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 4th house you can have changes around pregnancies, home renovations etc.. Around tribe and family you also can be more assertive Being cautious around home for security anger and fires.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 9th house you may change views you also may have completed education. You may feel your beliefs are shifting.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 3rd house this can be a time where you are more assertive. You also can be changing your diet. Subjects around siblings also could shift/
For some with communication can link to a romantic connection job or friendship. The new is here and your speaking it from the sky.
You may sign a contract at this time, this also could be tricky wait if you can until mercury goes direct. Not all can!
A new car is possible and or technology.
Solar Eclipse in Libra at 5Deg on the 25th of March 2024, for you links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 8th house tax debt inhetarences and sex Death endings . You may be looking at life and the shadow. Your opinion and the need for change will be cropping up.
Wounds balance the past and dealing and closing out this cycle is here. You also may view things you depended upon and now different and outdated
Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 19 Deg on the 8th of April 2024 links to the following topics and areas.
This links to your 2nd house assets could be up on the table for change. Yes this could link to land, your skills and values or a physical property. A new chapter is here to have. A new stream of income or an investment or change is cropping up. You also may feel you need to look at life around career wealth partnerships with a true eye for detail. Then moving in the direction you feel fits.