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transit must knows!
Welcome to your April 2023 update online with Astrology by Yildiz Readings 5D. March 2023 brings big shifts & changes.
Our Full Moon in Libra occurs on the 6th of April 2023. It will be a Pink Moon, Pink Moons can be a time of finding balance. We also may have subjects in the collective regarding new laws, fairness, wellness... etc...
Saturn enters Pisces February 7th 2023 ideas and purpose may feel clouded and heavy. We may need to unpack a lot of our BIG BOY transits prior to sensing the best method.
Saturn having Enters Pisces March 7th 2023 changes around the collective will occur at a spiritual level. This also will help us with Neptune in Pisces to aid in our dream making possible. We may become disillusioned frustrated.... ease yourself into the energy. It may feel like an abrupt introduction.
Pluto in Capricorn can feel tense until March 23rd 2023, it will shift over into the house of Aquarius. This month into April could feel Shakey as we adjust to its wave. Pluto between now & 2024 will shift between signs where it take sits long rest int he house of Aquarius.
When i say long rest 20 years approximately will be for some the rest of their life cycle.
Mars moves out of its long ingress of Gemini March 24th 2023, many will feel grateful for such.
Mars exited Gemini on the 25rd of March 2023. It has been a grueling energy with its retrograde & direct cycle. It had been sitting in the same sign from Aug 2022 last year.
Many will be relieved to a degree as Mars enters into the house of Cancer on the 25th of March 2023! Mars however is in its detriment with the house of Cancer, we may question our excitement later. Mars entering Cancer can be a tough one. You may feel protective of self and venerable. This could be a time where minors are in the media. Be self-aware of their environment during its stay in the house of Cancer...
Safety & stability will be key and not using our emotions as weapons towards others. Home security will be where energy will crop up. This also can be a time where checking home smoke alarms, security and being aware disputes can occur.
As our Sun enters Aries on the 20th of April 2023, our attention will move into our personal goals, ideas & feeling's. We may see tempers fly at this time, one is guided to ease into this with self-awareness.
Prior we may see rebellion anger, a healthy level some may shift focus onto self. Or be in their personal awareness of their shadow self and inner personal responsibility's for their own emotions. Your awareness & attention will be in your goals and ambitions with what you can do at a personal level.
You may have ideas and beliefs that are very separate to the wider group, health and wellbeing will be important. You can experience third eye activation during this time.
Our Sun enters Taurus from the 20th of April 2023, attention and our identity around values will come into sharp focus. Trends, values, trade, will be in the mix as Mercury in Taurus shifts RX from the 21st of April 2023.
Our previous New Moon in Aries at 0 Deg on the 21st of March 2023 may have had us reviewing these Aries that I will mention within your zodiac signs. However our Pending Hybrid Black Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on the 20th at 29Deg .
We also have Mercury in Taurus in Rx from the 21st & Pluto in Aquarius making a square to our Eclipse. Endings, new beginning's from last month to now! Moreover we may have no choice but to deal and jump in the deep end.
Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 8th of Oct 1995 at 15deg.
Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 17th of April 1996, at 8Deg.
Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 19th April 2004 at 29Deg
Join us for our online webinar or as its hosted online via our Astrology updates during the month. Lets dive in and see what's up with your zodiac sign.
*Disclaimer-Please be advised this is not medical advice, financial, psychological or profession nor legal.. These are commonly knowing areas associated to our transits & how they may impact individuals during transits. This is not to be used for any other purpose, seek a professional of that area. I take no responsibility for your personal choices.
Please find below your Star Signs & how this will affect your Zodiac Sign. Yes if you wish for a more accurate reading based on your individual Birth Chart, feel free to book online now! For cross referencing between you & another's chart our bookings online will also assist.
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